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Database content

The database includes:


For individual tasks: 09A7iFLO is the Photos Stimulus task (A) being carried out by student nine (09), who is in the 7th year of school, as part of round one (i) and with investigator FLO.

For pairs tasks: 15G8iv01G is the Information Gap task (G) being carried out by student 15, who is in the 8th year of school, as part of round four (iv), together with student 01. This file is therefore the same as 01G8iv15G.

(see tasks for details of task codes)

Database content

Round 1 Year 7 Term 2 Ages 11-12 Round 2 Year 7 Term 3 Ages 11-12 Round 3 Year 8 Term 1 Ages 12-13 Round 4 Year 8 Term 2 Ages 12-13 Round 5 Year 8 Term 3 Ages 12-13 Round 6 Year 9 Term 1 Ages 13-14
A: One to one with investigator (photos stimulus) A: One to one with investigator (photos stimulus) L: Loch Ness narration A: One to one with investigator (photos stimulus) I: Interrogative elicitation task (picture description) L: Loch Ness narration
D: Pair task (conversation and role play) D: Pair task (conversation and role play) R: Pair task (picture description) G: Information gap pair task D: Pair task (conversation and role play) G: Information gap pair task
R: Pair task (picture description)