@UTF8 @Begin @Languages: en @Participants: SBM Subject, SAL Subject, SNM Subject, SVM Subject, SX8 Subject, SGI ShowHost @ID: en|guillot|SBM|||1FE||Subject|Native Speakers of French (Erasmus student)| @ID: en|guillot|SAL|||1FE||Subject|Native Speakers of French (Erasmus student)| @ID: en|guillot|SNM|||1FE||Subject|Native Speakers of French (Erasmus student)| @ID: en|guillot|SVM|||1FE||Subject|Native Speakers of French (Erasmus student)| @ID: en|guillot|SX8|||1FE||Subject|Native Speakers of French (Erasmus student)| @ID: en|guillot|SGI|||||ShowHost|| @Coder: Marie-Noƫlle Guillot converter MMT *SGI: so:: m:: just(just) erm:: so:: welcome everybody [^ com: laugh] so we are going to:: talk about (.) advertisement about cigarettes in (.) (.) different (way) so er are you for or against (.) cigarettes I mean adverti(advertisement) advertisement for cigarettes in: I mean [^ com: indrawn breath] in magazines or on TV or (.) [>1] about that so. *SBM: [<1]. *SVM: advertisement (.) er I think that er:: er: it should be: forbidden . *SGI: forbidden . *SVM: yeah absolutely because er: er: even if it's erm:: (.) if it's er oh I have to find my words [^ com: laughs] . *SGI: no problem . *SVM: erm:: even if it won't er: convince a lot of people and er:: young people t(to) not to smoke er I think that er: it will be have it(it) it could (.) have a good influence on them so: (.) advertis (.) tisement must be:: [^ com: suspended] . *SGI: [^ com: faintly] oh great . *SVM: [^ gui: TCD] forbidden . *SGI: [^ gui: startFalse] great right and [^ gui: endFalse]. *SVM: in my opinion . *SGI: [^ gui: startFalse] nn [^ gui: endFalse]. *SNM: no I I am not sure it's (.) I am not sure just the fact to see an advertisement will (.) make you smoke (.) because (.) yeah I mean it's not (.) when you see something an on the TV you won't say ok I want that and that because there are lots of (.) food or clothes or everything is ad(advertised) advertised (.) and you won't buy them all so: [^ com: suspended] . *SVM: yeah but they could can do very good advertisement you know I I mean [>2] I mean er advertisement to: can be very er which can be very erm: [>1] [>3] i: to to to [>4] people in some situations and er [^ com: rapidly indrawn breath] maybe n(not) 'not euh when you are when you: when you look er: the advertising er: the first time y(you) you will say euh [^ com: adopts excitedly enthusiastic tone] oh yes I want [>5] now but euh after to euh: to to watch it several times and er: to see it and or to to to. *SBM: [<1]. *SBM: [<2]. *SNM: [<3]. *SNM: [<4]. *SNM: [<5]. *SGI: [^ gui: INTN] you get used to [^ com: suspended] [^ gui: INTNclose] . *SVM: [^ gui: startFalse] y(yeah) yeah [>]. *SGI: [<] yeah and then y(you) what d(do) what do you think about er: op(opx) I mean [^ com: indrawn breath] you kn(know) you know in group of teenager (.) what do you think about the the way [^ com: exhalation as SGI begins to get frustrated with being unable to find the right words] I mean erm: (.) yeah I mean [^ com: indrawn breath] (.) no is it bad [^ com: all laugh] so sorry er: about erm: the effects about y(you) so you see advertisement ok is what do you think about what the others I mean (.) f(fx) think about that and group erm: that is [>]. *SBM: <[^ com: helping SGI out] the effect> [<] of group . *SGI: yeah yeah [>1] exactly [>2] advertisement for the young I mean if you are t(To) er a girl or man wh(who) who is twelve (.) years old and (.) look at these advertisement what do y(you) do you think it (.) would (.) change (.) [^ com: indrawn breath] their m(mx) [^ com: exhalation, again frustrated at not being able to find word] [>]. *SBM: [<1]. *SAL: [<2]. *SBM: [^ gui: INTR] [<] [^ com: again helping SGI, picking up on word 'change'] it would change their way of (.) 'thinking [>1] because ye(you) when you are: twelve or I don't know when you are a teenager you are very (.) I don't know if it is (.) 'exist [^ com: laughing and with questioning inflection] influencable [^ gui: INTRclose]. *SGI: [<1]. *SBM: why not . *SVM: <[^ com: laughing] you can try> [<]. *SBM: I I (.) I will try yeah I will try [^ com: waits a beat until laughter has subsided] so advertisement er: is 'very attractive hm: if you I don't know if you have er: a: beautiful boy or a beautiful g(girl) girl: smoking a: a cigarette in a very (.) [^ com: indrawn breath] pretty: place [>1] disco or something like that [>]. *SNM: <[^ gui: startFalse] but they y(ym) [^ gui: endFalse]> [<1]. *SVM: [<] they speak [>1] about the advertisement so [^ com: suspended] . *SNM: [<1]. *SNM: yeah [>1] then you have [>2] to prevent every: pop stars or every (.) fa(famous) er [>3] smoking because. *SBM: [<1]. *SX8: [<2]. *SAL: [<3]. *SAL: [^ gui: INTR] they are [>1] on TV show or [^ com: suspended] [^ gui: INTRclose]. *SNM: [<1]. @Comment: general hubbub with several overlaps *SVM: [<]. *SBM: [<] it's forbidden . *SVM: no it's forbidden . *SBM: <[^ gui: startFalse] [^ gui: SIM] have you ever seen yeah [^ gui: endFalse]> [<] . *SNM: <[^ gui: SIM] when you xxx xxx on the s(sm)> [<] ok but if we [>]. *SBM: [^ gui: INTP] [<] Britney Spears smoking a cigarette or something like that [^ gui: INTPclose] . *SGI: so you think that . *SBM: [^ gui: INTP] so it's forbidden I think [^ gui: INTPclose] . *SGI: so advertisement er plays a manipula(manipulating) er i(is) is manipulating people so do you think it it should be forbidden or I mean just try to prevent er: the teenager I mean the adults also to:: start smoking cigarettes do you think it's sh(should) would be er it will be 'worthy to (.) forbi(forbid) er to (.) . *SAL: [^ gui: INTN] [^ com: prompting] forbidden [^ gui: INTNclose] . *SGI: forbidden it I mean [>1] [>]. *SNM: [<1]. *SVM: [^ gui: INTN] [<] [^ gui: INTNclose] . *SGI: yeah m(mx) cigarette e and the advertisement do you think it would be worthy worthy for the people would be interesting just to: try to prevent the young er:: the younger maybe the adults to start smoking do you think it will be interesting to [^ com: indrawn breaths] [^ com: suspended] . *SAL: to forbid [>]. *SGI: [^ gui: TCDSP] [^ gui: INTR] < to ban it to f(forbid) xxx I mean the advertisement yeah> [<] [^ gui: INTRclose] . *SVM: [<]. *SGI: do you think it wou(would) it is interesting . *SNM: if it works . *SBM: if it works . @Comment: some hubbub and overlaps *SBM: in France it is forbidden . *SAL: yes . *SNM: yeah but does this really work . *SVM: [^ com: emphatically] yes [>]. *SBM: [<] of course . *SVM: [<]. *SBM: [^ gui: INT] [<] [^ gui: INTclose] . *SNM: for example [>1] a study for the: fruit and vegetable they s(sx) there are lots of advertisements you should eat five fruits or vegetable a day and since the begin of the (.) advertisement [>2] people eat less and less so it doesn't work. *SX8: [<1]. *SX8: [<2]. *SVM: [^ gui: startFalse] no I [^ gui: endFalse]. *SNM: [^ gui: TCDFS] so why would it be the same for cigarettes . *SVM: it depends on subject I think because y(you) n(nx) I I was thinking about er: the advertisement about erm: (.) er security (.) [>1] I don't know [>2] y(you) you know a(ax) we can't say that it will it will work er: anyway but er (.) it can have influence bec(because) I don't know if you remember all this advert [>3] about er: security on the road it was really (.) horrible [>]. *SNM: [<1]. *SAL: [<2]. *SNM: [<3]. *SNM: <[^ gui: startFalse] [^ gui: SIM] yeah but it was made [^ gui: endFalse]> [<] . *SBM: [^ gui: INTR] <[^ gui: SIM] it was striking yeah> [<] [^ gui: INTRclose] . *SNM: yeah [>1] at the same time you are trying erm it was r(rx) [>2] so perhaps it's <(.) together> [>]. *SAL: [<1]. *SBM: <[^ gui: startFalse] yeah but [^ gui: endFalse]> [<2]. *SBM: [<] is not the same because er: we are talking about er: [>1] to to 'ban the advertisements [^ com: pauses then pronounces the word differently] the advertisements I don't know [^ com: indrawn breath slurp noise] and er: (.) not to: (.) [>2] [^ com: SBM raises voice] talking about prevention [>3] (.) [>4] [>]. *SNM: [<1]. *SNM: [<2]. *SNM: [<3]. *SVM: <[^ gui: startFalse] yeah and I mean e e [^ gui: endFalse]> [<4]. *SVM: [<]. *SBM: [<]. *SVM: [<] why when y(you) you say that do you think that er: [>1] work I think that er: i(it) it could encourage people to smoke if they see er if they we(we) see the: [>2] advertisement on the TV. *SNM: [<1]. *SX8: [<2]. *SBM: yeah . *SAL: <[^ gui: SIM] xxx xxx> [<]. *SNM: <[^ gui: SIM] xxx xxx> [<]. *SVM: yeah it's not the same thing but [>]. *SBM: [<]. *SAL: [<] [^ com: overlaps with SBM's 'yeah yeah'] something please . *SAL: I know that when I began smoking when I was (.) fourteen about fourteen n(nx) advertising were (.) legal was legal and I was cut (.) down the:: advertising paper advertising er: to have to colle (.) stick in my room and buy cigarette and I collected the packets the cigarette packets [>1] cigarette packets. *SBM: [<1]. *SBM: [^ gui: INTN] [^ gui: TCD] [^ com: teasing] because she was a rebel [^ gui: INTNclose] . *SAL: I no I wasn't but (.) I found it (.) very beautiful the different kinds of (.) advertise . *SBM: [^ gui: INTR] <[^ com: in a sing_song voice] yeah because it was> [<] taboo because you don't [>] [^ gui: INTRclose] . *SAL: [<] advertisement and [^ com: suspended] . *SVM: and do you think that when when you did that (.) y(you) you:: you didn't er: er you: weren't er: [>]. *SBM: <[^ gui: startFalse] influenced by (.) the adverti(advertisement) [^ gui: endFalse]> [<] . *SAL: m:: in in a way maybe yes (.) yes (.) maybe y(yes) (.) [>]. *SVM: [<] all the time maybe er: after a while [^ com: suspended] . *SNM: [^ com: questioning] so you wouldn't have begun (.) if there was no advertisement . *SAL: <[^ gui: SIM] no> [<] [>1] that's not (.) [>]. *SBM: <[^ gui: SIM] maybe> [<1]. *SBM: [<]. *SNM: <[^ gui: SIM] oh> [<]. *SAL: <[^ gui: SIM] no (.) I(I)> [<] [>1] [>]. *SBM: [<1]. *SVM: [^ gui: INTP] [<] you know because we don't say that it will prevent but we j(je) enfin 'I just say that er: it could er: works work sometimes [^ gui: INTPclose] . *SNM: yeah [>]. *SBM: [<]. *SVM: do you know do you (I) mean the difference . *SGI: and do you do [>1] do you think it's a drug er: cigarettes. *SNM: [<1]. *SAL: <[^ gui: SIM] yes> [<]. *SVM: <[^ gui: SIM] yes> [<]. *SBM: <[^ gui: SIM] yeah of course of course it has been proved by scientists and people> [<]. *SGI: do you think there is no er er better way to just to: try to: m(mean) I mean [>]. *SBM: [^ gui: INTN] <[^ com: sotto voce] to ban it> [<] [^ gui: INTNclose] . *SGI: yeah to ban I mean cigarettes [^ com: slight pant] I mean you:: yeah ok so we are just (.) er ok for that [^ com: laughs] advertisement should be ban ave(advertisement) for [>1] should be ban [>2] ok but (.) do you think that it should be: you know there is mes(mesx) should be other (.) 'ways to: try to: convince teenagers not to 'start smoking (.) I mean other way [>]. *SBM: [<1]. *SBM: [<2]. *SBM: [^ gui: INTR] [<] (.) than banning oh yeah ok [>1] I don't know yeah maybe preventing (.) [>2] euh: using advertisements but just to prevent [>3] (.) to say ok m: maybe: at thirty_five euh: I don't know fifty per cent of er the people who er smoke during their life [^ com: indrawn breath] will die or: something like that I don't know or showing (.) [>] [^ gui: INTRclose]. *SAL: [<1]. *SX8: [<2]. *SAL: [<3]. *SVM: [^ gui: INTR] [<] they do this now non in the [>1] school and in the college when [>] [^ gui: INTRclose]. *SAL: [<1]. *SX8: [<]. *SBM: I don't know [^ com: interrogatively] yeah . @Comment: several overlaps *SVM: [<] euh something like that [>]. *SBM: [<]. *SVM: [^ gui: TCD] I went to an e: erm exposition [^ com: questioningly] is exposition . *SAL: exhibition . *SBM: [<]. *SVM: [<]. *SVM: [^ gui: TCD] euh: again the:: again the tobacco or something . *SBM: ok xxx ok . *SNM: yeah but I think i(it's) it's too late [>1] for example they made it in high school (.) erm people had begun (.) years ago [>]. *SBM: <[^ gui: startFalse] so [^ gui: endFalse]> [<1]. *SBM: [^ gui: INT] yeah [>] [^ gui: INTclose] . *SVM: [<]. *SNM: [^ gui: TCD] [^ gui: INTP] becau(because) in my h(hx) [>1] we did it in high school and we were (.) [>] [^ gui: INTPclose]. *SVM: [<1]. *SBM: [^ gui: INTN] [<] school [^ gui: INTNclose] . *SNM: no in (.) (.) er: yeah mayb(maybe) er [>] . *SBM: [<] yeah high [>]. *SNM: [<]. *SBM: yeah . *SNM: so it's re(really) really late . *SVM: no I I just er tell you becau(because) because er ok it's not er my life sorry [^ com: all laugh] er: no my mother is a nurse in a school and euh: she: she: euh begin to do it euh: in the: in the: primary school [>2] (.) when they [>1] at eleven [>]. *SNM: [<1]. *SNM: [<2]. *SBM: [^ gui: INTR] [<] [>1] right (.) age [>] [^ gui: INTRclose]. *SVM: [<1]. *SNM: [<]. *SVM: [<] and now the're: in my school and the other school they they (.) they try to do it be(be) er: [>]. *SNM: hm <[^ gui: SIM] earlier> [>]. *SBM: <[^ gui: SIM] earlier> [<]. *SVM: <[^ gui: SIM] to er:> [<] prevent er: [>1] (.) early yeah sure young people to: to smoke er. *SNM: [<1]. *SBM: hm hm hm I think maybe we can talk about the: public place and [>1] the [>2] of cigarettes in public place. *SVM: [<1]. *SGI: <[^ gui: startFalse] can we [^ gui: endFalse]> [<2]. *SVM: [^ com: forcefully] to be sick [^ com: laughter] . *SBM: ok so what do you think [^ com: more laughter] . *SGI: it ha(has) it has to be I think everybody is yeah it should be forbidden xxx public place I mean [^ com: indrawn breath, then laughing] and if [>]. *SAL: [^ gui: INTN] [<] it would be forbidden [^ gui: INTNclose] . *SGI: yeah I think i(it) it will be forbidden with with special area it's like er: [>]. *SAL: [^ gui: INTR] but what do you think it in clubs (.) [>] [^ gui: INTRclose] . *SGI: [^ com: very quietly] [<] . *SVM: [^ com: loudly] forbidden too . *SAL: forbidden . *SVM: 'yes . *SGI: yeah: [>]. *SAL: [<] [>]. *SBM: [<] not everybody is smoking . *SAL: not everybody but [^ com: suspended] . *SBM: yeah but maybe e there will be more people if: er: if (.) m:: [^ com: suspended] . *SGI: it was banned . *SBM: it was banned yeah [>1] smoking was banned I I think I don't know. *SAL: [<1]. *SAL: hm hm . *SBM: I don't know [>]. *SVM: [^ gui: INTP] [<] e when y(you) when you when y(you) when you when you go out in a: in a discothequ(discotheque) in a disco or:: in a pub e e when I co(come) when I come back it's like if I [>1] have [>] [^ gui: INTPclose]. *SNM: [<1]. *SBM: [<]. @Comment: several unintelligible overlaps *SVM: [<] my hair my clothe everything so that [>]. *SBM: [^ gui: INTN] [<] of the [>] [^ gui: INTNclose] . *SVM: [<] I think that it it should be forbidden only for yeah for people who don't smoke because it's really: annoying . *SGI: it's their freedom I er: I think (.) is if you don't choose to star(start) er to smoke y(you) you don't have to (.) be 'forced to smoke I mean [>1] also your health and (.) it's [>]. *SNM: [<1]. *SBM: [^ gui: INTP] [<] the problem we have seen in in France I think the law has been enforced [>1] [>2] (.) erm: I don't know five years ago maybe (.) and f(fx) m I think it (.) [>] [^ gui: INTPclose]. *SNM: <[^ gui: SIM] hm hm> [<1]. *SVM: <[^ gui: SIM] hm hm> [<2]. *SVM: [<] really work yeah it's true . *SBM: there was no changes (.) and er [^ com: suspended] . *SAL: in public erm . *SBM: [^ com: picking up SAL's cue] in public places [>1] in restaurants it is [>2] they are supposed t(to) to [>3] [>] and (.) but. *SAL: [<1]. *SVM: [<2]. *SVM: [<3]. @Comment: multiple overlaps, some unintelligible *SGI: [<] . @Comment: laughter. SAL and SVM share the following in joking tone, riffing off each other and laughing *SAL: <[^ gui: SIM] but there is no wall between they wave the air and er:> [<]. *SVM: <[^ gui: SIM] and when you have a non_smoking area yeah xxx> [<]. *SBM: you have to be (.) to have aeration [>]. *SAL: <[^ gui: SIM] yes> [<]. *SVM: <[^ gui: SIM] but I I> [<] think that er behaviour of people have chan(chnaged) have changed(has changed) has changed because er you know er in the street er: there are a lot of people when they: not not in the street but in public places when they: see er: people smoking in a: place where they: [>1] [>2] they they tell them er please er: [>3] in a non_smoking place [>4] can you stop it (.) (kx) sometimes you can't [^ com: SBM laughs] do it (.) some people [^ com: all laugh] because isn't but erm: maybe (.) yeah it doesn't (.) really work but (.) [>]. *SAL: <[^ gui: SIM] ah yes> [<1]. *SBM: <[^ gui: SIM] xxx xxxxxx xxx> [<2]. *SBM: [<3]. *SBM: [<4]. *SBM: [<] it is you have to: (.) or to ban completely [>1] (.) but not creating two areas or something like that (.) to to I don't know [>]. *SVM: [<1]. *SVM: [<] really surprised to see two: (.) people (.) who smoke [^ com: SAL laughs] to to I don't know if you were [^ com: laughter] [^ com: suspended] . *SAL: but we would like stop . *SAL: <[^ gui: startFalse] [^ gui: SIM] we would like to [^ gui: endFalse]> [<] . *SBM: <[^ gui: SIM] we would like> [<] to quit the habit . *SAL: we would like to stop but (.) [^ com: lips noise] it's very difficult and (.) . *SVM: [^ gui: INTP] but I ha(have) ha erm: [^ com: suspended] [^ gui: INTPclose] . *SAL: and [>1] know [>]. *SVM: <[^ gui: startFalse] bu(but) do y(you) [^ gui: endFalse]> [<1]. *SVM: [<]. *SAL: yes I would like but I know it's very 'difficult and (.) [^ com: suspended] . *SVM: you don't want to begin this: [^ com: ironic phrasing] long and hard process to stop it . *SAL: yes I think I would be very stressed and I am very nervous and I am smoking so [^ com: laughs] . *SVM: so in a way you ask erm: you ask euh: I don't know government I don't know who to help you [>2] to stop euh: [>1] (.) [>]. *SAL: [<1]. *SGI: [<2]. *SBM: [<] you because we we we [>1] I don't know we e d(dx) [>2] [^ com: laughter which continues until SBM 'centre'] maybe you can find non_smoking centre or hm centres [>3] (.) which can help you to:: to to quit the habit (.) but er: it doesn't work (.) (.) it doesn't work for 'us I've never: been there or: to ask [>]. *SVM: [<1]. *SVM: < forbidden> [<2]. *SAL: [<3]. *SAL: [<] you have never tried to stop . *SBM: yeah I've tried but [^ com: blows out] [>]. *SVM: <[^ gui: SIM] yeah but on your own> [<]. *SAL: <[^ gui: SIM] I've never (.) tried> [<]. *SBM: yeah [>1] [>]. *SVM: [<1]. *SAL: [<]. *SNM: but you should try and ask your GP and perhaps he can help you e i(if) [>]. *SBM: [<]. *SVM: yeah if you [>]. *SBM: [<] want you can quit the habit [>]. *SNM: [^ gui: INTR] [<] not alone (.) but i(if) [>1] and you want to be helped [>2] (.) (.) [^ com: more faintly] it's possible [^ gui: INTRclose]. *SBM: [<1]. *SBM: [<2]. *SBM: I don't know [>]. *SVM: [^ gui: INTP] [<] 'don't want [^ gui: INTPclose] [^ com: laughter and assorted overlapping "yeahs"] . *SBM: maybe maybe (.) I don't know if it is a good way or (.) or just to ban cigarettes [>1] the better way. *SGI: [<1]. *SAL: yes . *SGI: yeah . *SBM: it would [>1] the better way. *SX8: [<1]. *SGI: <[^ gui: startFalse] [^ gui: SIM] (but for inst(instance)?) [^ gui: endFalse]> [<] . *SVM: <[^ gui: SIM] but how do you> [<] think that erm: (.) er: public opinion will react . *SNM: [^ com: faintly] yeah . *SVM: [^ gui: startFalse] would [>]. *SBM: [<] most people will be: (.) er: ok for that but I'm not sure of it . *SVM: hm . *SGI: yeah we [>]. *SVM: [<] a(as) as you said er (.) xxx a lot of people want euh: to: legali(legalise) le: erm: [^ com: suspended] . *SGI: [^ com: prompting] cannabis . *SVM: cannabis . *SAL: yes . *SVM: so (.) if now you [>1] euh: (.) the cigarettes [^ com: suspended] . *SAL: [<1]. *SGI: mais e (.) euh I think the government has already already tried with alcohol i(it) it has never work I mean [>]. *SBM: [^ gui: INTR] <[^ com: cutting in quite loudly] yeah> [<] because alcohol is not like the cigarette for [>1] especially for French people alcohol is something very hm: sacred [^ gui: INTRclose]. *SGI: [<1]. *SGI: [^ com: faintly] yeah taboo [^ com: SNM chuckles] . *SBM: no sacred euh: it is in our country you know wines and so on [^ com: general noises of assent from all] you cannot ban 'that [>1] if you ban that we are not French [>2] (.) (.) [>]. *SAL: <[^ gui: startFalse] yes it's [^ gui: endFalse]> [<1]. *SAL: [<2]. *SAL: [^ gui: TCD] culture . *SBM: yeah it is yeah [>]. *SGI: [<] like it they are doing it (.) here I mean in UK the price of the alcohols are very high do you think it will help [^ com: indrawn breaths] (.) [>]. *SBM: <[^ gui: SIM] do yeah> [<]. *SAL: [^ gui: INTP] <[^ gui: SIM] because the> [<] problem of (.) alcoholism in England is very 'high [^ gui: INTPclose] . *SGI: [^ com: laughing] yeah it's the same in France (.) [>]. *SAL: [<] no [>]. *SGI: [^ com: miming knocking back drinks] [<] seven am you xxx xxx [>]. *SAL: [<]. *SVM: [<]. *SX8: [<]. *SVM: [<] xxx in in France everybody smoke in England (.) [^ com: suspended] . *SAL: yes . *SBM: yeah an(and) and [>1] it is a good way to: to increase (.) the price (.) of the [>]. *SAL: <[^ gui: startFalse] but I don't xxx [^ gui: endFalse]> [<1]. *SAL: [<]. *SGI: <[^ gui: startFalse] [^ gui: SIM] but(but) the problem is [^ gui: endFalse]> [<] . *SBM: [^ gui: TCDFS] < [^ gui: SIM] because> [<] er:: because er young people (.) [>1] the most vulnerable [>2] [>3] (.) er:: they they (.) 'cannot buy it. *SVM: [<1]. *SAL: <[^ gui: SIM] yes> [<2]. *SVM: <[^ gui: SIM] hm> [<3]. *SAL: yes [>1] [>] the price is a barrier. *SVM: [<1]. *SGI: <[^ gui: startFalse] [^ gui: SIM] but [^ gui: endFalse]> [<] . *SBM: <[^ gui: SIM] because> [<] I don't know it is seven an(anx) seven pounds [^ com: questioning intonation] (.) [>]. *SGI: [^ gui: INTN] [<] yeah it's seven euros yeah [>1] [>] [^ gui: INTNclose]. *SAL: [<1]. *SBM: [^ gui: INTN] [<] [^ gui: INTNclose] . *SGI: yeah . *SVM: [^ com: questioning sounding surprised/alarmed] here . *SGI: [<] . *SAL: [<]. *SGI: [^ gui: startFalse] but i(it) [>]. *SAL: [<] euros . *SGI: [^ gui: TCDFS] but I think it's a(ax) you can do it i(it) in UK because it's an island mai(mais) for example in France you have Spain [>]. *SBM: [^ gui: INTR] [<] [^ gui: INTRclose] . *SAL: [<] I know that I am goin(going) erm:: (.) I go to Spain . *SBM: yeah exactly . *SAL: [^ gui: TCD] [^ com: louder, laughing] I go to Spain to buy my cigarette because they are [>]. *SGI: [^ gui: INTR] [<] in Nice nobody [>1] cigarettes in Nice [>2] they all go to Italy [>3] it's impossible to do the same in France it would be completely [^ com: 'phtt' noise] [>4] [>5] u(useless) useless [^ gui: INTRclose]. *SAL: <[^ gui: startFalse] and [^ gui: endFalse]> [<1]. *SAL: [<2]. *SAL: [<3]. *SBM: <[^ gui: startFalse] [^ gui: SIM] yeah but [^ gui: endFalse]> [<4]. *SVM: <[^ gui: startFalse] [^ gui: SIM] no but it's [^ gui: endFalse]> [<5]. *SVM: it's it's true [>1] of people but not for everybody and (.) I believe that even if it's not er it doesn't work for everybody even i(if) if its work for (.) a a [>]. *SAL: [<1]. *SBM: [^ gui: INTR] [<] maybe five or ten [>] [^ gui: INTRclose] . *SVM: [<] it's always [>] [^ com: suspended] . *SBM: [<] yeah . *SGI: <[^ gui: startFalse] [^ gui: SIM] for the [^ gui: endFalse]> [<] . *SVM: [^ gui: TCDFS] <[^ com: with comic dramatic intonation] [^ gui: SIM] who are> [<] saved . *SGI: yeah a(ask) a(ask) ask my father if for example he will be a b(be) yeah he will spend (.) fifteen (.) euros on (.) pack of cigarettes he doesn't care he doesn't care of the price he he needs them . *SBM: yeah but for [^ com: suspended] . *SAL: hm . *SBM: [^ gui: TCD] for rich people it's not a problem . *SVM: <[^ gui: SIM] xxx> [<]. *SBM: <[^ gui: SIM] xxx seventy_five per cent of the (.) French> [<] no it's not (.) [>1] thank you very much. *SVM: [<1]. *SGI: yeah i(ix) e i(ix) I think for the young people I mean someth(something) somebody who i(is) who is very addict [>1] [>2] who is forty years old you know he has his own money he ha(has) he will (.) eat less and then (.) buy cigarette [>]. *SAL: <[^ gui: SIM] yes> [<1]. *SBM: <[^ gui: SIM] addicted> [<2]. *SBM: [^ gui: INTR] [<] who are forty years old but we have to [>1] er maybe to [>2] about the future [>3] (.) maybe er young people now will not smoke and 'after they will n(not) they will not smoke so [>4] there will not [>] [^ gui: INTRclose]. *SGI: <[^ gui: startFalse] have [^ gui: endFalse]> [<1]. *SAL: [<2]. *SGI: [<3]. *SGI: <[^ gui: startFalse] so [^ gui: endFalse]> [<4]. *SVM: [<] the most important is to er: not to begin (.) [>1] because (.) a (.) once you you you you begin: [>2] after you you can't (.) [>3] so (.) if we er (.) if we can prevent er: young people to: [>]. *SBM: [<1]. *SAL: [<2]. *SBM: [<3]. *SGI: [^ gui: INTN] <[^ com: int. question as host] so you> [<] think banning (.) advertisement will be (.) interesting and: no after ten years do you think yeah it ha(has) it has help for it I mean people smoke less do you feel that people smoke less now (.) because of that [^ gui: INTNclose] . *SBM: [<]. *SAL: [<]. *SVM: I wouldn't say th(thx) [>1] but er I would say that er: you haven't more and more people: who smoke who begin to smoke [>2] (.) without er: [>]. *SAL: <[^ com: quietly] I don't (.) I don't think so> [<1]. *SGI: [<2]. *SGI: [<] there are th(thirty) thirty_five per cent of the young people smoking so it's more than before [>1] (.) I think I [>]. *SX8: [<1]. *SAL: [<] [^ com: questioning] it's more than before . *SGI: yeah . *SVM: but it's: [>1] [>]. *SBM: <[^ gui: startFalse] yeah but it's [^ gui: endFalse]> [<1]. *SGI: <[^ com: to SAL] yeah is is it's le(less) it's less for the men more for the girls> [<] . *SNM: <[^ com: in response to SVM] yeah yeah [^ com: overlaps with SVM's 'expression']> [<]. *SAL: it's the effect of group it's not [>]. *SGI: [<] . *SAL: if you have a friend who is smoking and y(you) you want to do the same thing it's not because y(you) you you saw a you see a: [>1] (.) an advertisement (.) I think. *SBM: [<1]. *SGI: and you think yeah so:: the way er: yeah I think yeah we still have three or four minutes er: [^ com: laughter which overlaps with the next phrase] do you think [^ com: laughs] . *SBM: [^ com: prompting] so (.) do you think . *SGI: [^ gui: startFalse] yeah [>]. *SBM: [<]. *SGI: er:: so I (.) do you think that erm: maybe (.) for example for Formula One do you think it's a good thing because (.) erm: for example for erm I mean motor car (.) sports erm: advertising for (.) cigarettes rai(raise) (.) raise a lot of money so [^ com: indrawn breaths] for example Formula One they 'need this advertisement do you [>1] it's (.) (.) in this way it would [>]. *SAL: [<1]. *SVM: [^ gui: INTP] [<] we [>1] [>2] and the health (.) I [>] [^ gui: INTPclose]. *SNM: [<1]. *SBM: <[^ gui: startFalse] yeah xxx [^ gui: endFalse]> [<2]. *SGI: [<] because [>1] y(yeah) yeah spons(sponsors) in Belgium they forbid i(it's) so it's completely banned so even for Formula One and they had to change you know the: for (.) two or three years there were no more (.) er: Formula One racing in Belgium [>]. *SAL: [<1]. *SVM: [^ gui: INTP] [^ com: shrugging mock_dismissively] [>] [^ gui: INTPclose] . *SGI: yeah but the point is that it raise a lot of money for: I mean er:: for the c(country) even for the country (.) so I suppose we are not er: we we just [>]. *SVM: [<] but we have to to choose . *SGI: yeah so we have to choose before er between health and: [>1] (.) money and the problem is yeah ok. *SVM: <[^ gui: startFalse] I a: [^ gui: endFalse]> [<1]. *SVM: I I think so it's it's only my opinion but I think that we we have to choose between (.) this two er: yeah these two: (.) [>]. *SBM: [<] (.) it was one of the reason of the: increase in the price of cigarette it is not for the health of people th(the) the French state [>1] but the problem er it raise more money for: for the government with [>]. *SAL: [<1]. *SGI: [^ gui: INTP] mais it has proven that you know (.) they should 'even increase it more because the 'cost of e cancers and so are 'so 'much (.) e e bigger than what they raise from cigarettes [>] [^ gui: INTPclose] . *SBM: [<] I'm not really sure [>1] can(can) they earn [^ com: uncertain questioning tone] seventy (.) five per cent of er: [>2] cigarettes. *SGI: [<1]. *SAL: [<2]. *SGI: when somebody has to be [>]. *SVM: [<]. *SGI: [^ gui: INTP] it's likes yeah [>] [^ gui: INTPclose] . *SBM: [<] so I don't know maybe (.) we we need (.) I don't know figures and so on [>1] (.) [>]. *SGI: <[^ gui: startFalse] so you think [^ gui: endFalse]> [<1]. *SGI: [^ gui: TCD] so you think for motor racing it fr(frx) it: sh(should) yeah so yeah ok so ok it's finished is it ok . @Comment: 39.7 @End