@UTF8 @Begin @Languages: fr @Participants: G10 Subject, G01 Partner, RFM Investigator @ID: fr|flloc|G10||male|School-1-9l2||Subject|| @ID: fr|flloc|G01|||||Partner|| @ID: fr|flloc|RFM|||||Investigator|| @Date: 04-DEC-1995 @Coder: LON converter RFM *RFM: [^ eng: just say for the tapes that] toi tu t' appelles Orhan n' est ce pas ? *G01: [^ eng: yeah] . *RFM: et toi c' est Helen xx ? *G10: [^ eng: yeah] . *RFM: oui [^ eng: ok right take your time just leave leave the machines running though even if there are pauses xxx] . *G01: euh quelles activités la xx à Belleville (.) ? *G10: euh [^ eng: xxx what day] quel jour ? *G01: à [?] quel jour ? *G10: ehm le premier jeudi [*] (.) ? %err: jour des = jeudi *G01: non c' est la visite la (.) xx . *G10: euh le deux vendredi [^ eng: Friday] ? *G01: ah oui . *G10: oui ? *G01: mmm . *G10: [^ eng: ask what activity] . *G01: ehm c' est quelle activité [//] à Belleville ? *G10: à la piscine (.) ? *G01: mmm . *G10: ehm (.) . *G01: la patinoire . *G10: euh la@g patinoire@g [^ eng: say oui then] ? *G01: oui . *G10: euh [//] la joue au tennis ? *G01: c' est superbe (.) à vélo . *G10: say@s:v à quelle heure ? *G01: à quelle heure ? *G10: um (.) eh le (.) le dix heures [^ eng: ten o' clock] . *G01: oui (.) . *G10: [^ eng: ehm (.) how do you say where] (.) où ? *G01: ehm . *G10: où ? *G01: où um (.) ? *G10: [^ eng: just ask me where] ? *G01: [^ eng: you are supposed to ask me that] . *G10: où (.) ? *G10: [^ eng: where shall we you' ve got you' ve got to ask me where we meet and I'll tell you] . *RFM: question ? *G01: [^ eng: it says] où [^ eng: because Helen asked me where we meet] . *G10: [^ eng: whereabouts] ? *RFM: oui . *G01: [^ eng: and what should I say shall I just say] c' est à Belleville [^ eng: because] +... *RFM: mais où à Belleville à la piscine um au terrain de tennis +... *G01: [^ eng: oh right] . *RFM: où où au au chez MacDonalds où est ce que tu vas où est ce que vous allez vous rencontrer ok choisissez ok ? *G10: [^ eng: choose] . *G01: mmm euh (.) à Belleville à la patinoire . *G10: ah oui . *G01: oui (.) j' ai mangé déjeuner ? *G10: oui à la MacDonalds ? *G01: oui (.) . *G10: le dîner ? *G01: euh (.) MacDonalds . *G10: [^ eng: just say] oui xxx [^ eng: your house] la mais(on) euh . *G01: à la déjeuner ma appartement . *G10: oui la déjeuner [/] ma maison ? *G01: um à dîner <à ma appart(ement)> [//] à mon appartement . *G10: oui (.) . *G01: euh (.) um (.) . *G10: [^ eng: ask how you say which or what activity are we doing first or something like that] xxx . *G01: [^ eng: euh (.) ehm (.) I' m stuck how do you ask] +... *G10: [^ eng: ask just] xxx (.) . *G01: xxx . *G10: [^ eng: just say] j' aime activité le matin [^ eng: what activity are we doing in the morning] ? *G01: ehm je joue au tennis ? *G10: oui ça va (.) . *G10: le après_midi (.) ? *G01: xxx (.) je joue au vélo . *G10: xxx . *G01: xxx à vélo [^ eng: say that] au matin (.) . *G10: um la matin à vélo ? *G01: ehm oui c' est superbe . *G10: [^ eng: um how do you say as well oh stop it] (.) le activité après_midi ? *G01: ehm (.) . *G10: la piscine [^ eng: got to use that once] . *G01: euh la piscine xxx ? *G10: ça va . *G10: [^ eng: and then] la activité soir [*] la patinoire ? %err: soeur = soir *G01: ehm xxx . *G10: de patinoire . *G01: au patinoire [/] cinéma . *G10: [^ eng: just write] patinoire . *G01: ehm je regarde le cinéma . *G01: [^ eng: we' ve got we' ve got] patinoire (.) je@n regarde les +... *G10: [^ eng: no we haven' t tennis rub that out doing that there] (.) activités c' est (.) la patinoire ? *G01: patinoire et cinéma ? *G10: euh non . *G01: [^ eng: oh please go on] xx à cinéma oui (.) ? *G10: et le cinéma oui . *G01: ah oui . *G10: [^ eng: god you are a bummer] . *G01: [^ eng: I' m not a bummer (.) oi we' ve finished] . *G10: [^ eng: just say bonjour then ] au revoir (.) ça va au revoir merci [^ eng: just say just say] au revoir . *G01: au revoir [^ eng: we' ve finished] . *G10: au revoir ça va . *G01: [^ eng: bye bye] . *RFM: [^ eng: right now the second part of this is (.) you' ve got a friend with you ok] ton ami c' est un garçon ou une fille ? *G01: une fille . *RFM: fille ok alors voilà la fille elle s' appelle Laura . *G01: Laura . *RFM: [^ eng: ok right now] ne ne regarde pas ok ne regarde pas [^ eng: right now the next thing you have to do is you have to you' ve got your programmes for the day (.) this sheet tells you something about Laura it tells you what she likes there are things she likes very much ok ? there are some things she quite likes there' s some things she really hates alright there' s some things she hates or doesn' t like as well ok ? now I want you to go through your programme and check whether the things you' ve agreed to do are things that Laura would like or not ok ? now if she if she likes quite a few of them then you decide or maybe she' ll come as well okay but if it turns out that she doesn' t really like the things you' ve agreed then you decide ok Laura is not coming with you you' re now checking out whether or not you' ve agreed your programme don' t change your programme just check out whether Laura would like it would it like enough of it for it to make sense for her to come along as well] . *G10: [^ eng: what do we have to discuss it] ? *RFM: [^ eng: ok yeah ok] toi tu as ton amie Laura ok est ce que Laura vient avec vous est ce qu' elle vient avec vous ok est ce qu' elle accompagne Orhan ok ? *G10: [^ eng: Orhan' s friend] . *G01: [^ eng: yeah yeah] ? *G10: [^ eng: right] . *RFM: [^ eng: so does she like the things you' ve agreed to do ? so you' ve agreed to do] +... *G10: [^ eng: tennis bike riding] . *RFM: [^ eng: and you' ve agreed to have a certain sort of meal ok does she like that you I think the most sensible thing you go through it and say and ask about Laura does she like this does she like that does she like that ok and check and then check whether she does and then if there are a lot of yes' s then she might want to come if there are a lot of no' s then it might be better if she xx] . *G01: [^ eng: how do you say I have a got a friend called Laura who would like to come] ? *G10: [^ eng: shall I just put a line here and write yes or no] ? *RFM: j' ai une amie . *G01: j' ai@g une@g amie@g . *RFM: j' ai une copine oui une amie elle s' appelle Laura ok um elle veut venir [^ eng: she wants to come] elle veut venir ok [^ eng: ok so and then you ask] est ce qu' elle aime +... *G10: est@g ce@g qu' elle@g aime@g +... *G10: j' aime +... *G01: [^ eng: all the various things] . *G10: xxx . *RFM: [^ eng: all right so you you start off you say you' ve got a friend and say xx] . *G01: il veut venir +... *G10: la copain . *G01: un@n copain . *G10: xx ? *G01: [//] est [?] copain Laura . *G10: oui [^ eng: you have to say how do you say she wants to come] ? *G01: [^ eng: euh she wants to come xxx] . *G10: [^ eng: ask because you are the one who' s got to ask xx] . *G01: [^ eng: no you' ve got to ask me] . *G10: [^ eng: no you' ve got to say she wants to come and I ask whether she likes that] . *G01: [^ eng: I know I' ve said I' ve said xxx] . *G10: eh Laura [//] j' aime la tennis ? *G01: [^ eng: euh (.) is that tennis] ? *G10: [^ eng: I don' t know] . *RFM: toi tu décides [^ eng: you just decide if you think that' s tennis alright and say] +... *G01: oui je@n Laura je adore la tennis . *G10: [//] eh Laura j' aime la vélo ? *G01: non je déteste la vélo . *G10: Laura j' aime la MacDonald ? *G01: eh non . *G10: eh la piscine ? *G01: euh oui [//] Laura j' aime la piscine (.) . *G10: Laura est dîner (.) et la patinoire ? *G01: ah oui . *G10: oui (.) ehm [/] j' aime le patinoire ? *G01: oui j' aime [/] le patinoire . *G10: j' aime le@n cinéma ? *G01: ehm non Laura je déteste le cinéma (.) . *G10: [^ eng: how do I say is Laura] (.) ? *G01: j' ai [^ eng: say Laura doesn' t have to come because she don' t like nothing] . *G10: [^ eng: how do I say that] (.) Laura je (dé)teste [/] le activité . *G01: oui ehm (.) . *G10: [^ eng: how do I say is she coming] ? *G01: [^ eng: ask Miss ask Miss] . *G10: [^ eng: how can like I say is she is she going to come then or] +... *G01: [^ eng: she can' t come because she doesn' t like] +... *RFM: elle vient elle ne vient pas ? *G01: Laura xx . *RFM: elle vient avec vous ou non ? *G01: non . *G10: [^ eng: she li(kes) well she likes some things but then she doesn' t like the things that we like doing so most of the things that we like doing so] . *G01: [^ eng: not much point in her coming] . *RFM: décidez vous décidez [^ eng: you' ve got to decide] elle vient elle ne vient pas ? *G10: elle@g ne@g vient@g pas@g . *G01: oui . *RFM: tu es d' accord ? *G01: mmm . *RFM: ok Laura reste au camping oui ok et vous vous allez vous amuser à Belleville ok c' est fini ? *G01: oui . *G10: oui . *RFM: bien . *G01: [^ eng: shall we] ? *RFM: alors oui vous arrêtez . @End