@UTF8 @Begin @Languages: fr @Participants: D44 Subject, D32 Partner, JVH Investigator @ID: fr|flloc|D44||female|School-2-7s||Subject|| @ID: fr|flloc|D32|||||Partner|| @ID: fr|flloc|JVH|||||Investigator|| @Date: 08-JUL-1994 @Coder: LON converter RFM *D44: [^ eng: my name is Sophie xx] . *D32: [^ eng: what' s the question we have to ask] ? *JVH: oui tu poses des questions ou tu c' est comme tu veux xx ok? *D44: [^ eng: can we start? can we start] . *D32: xxx . *D44: [^ eng: no I just said you start] . *JVH: [^ eng: if you don' t want to a if the questions are difficult then just tell each other the information ok] . *JVH: [^ eng: but you can ask questions as well if you want to so you can say I like history or you can say do you what do you like at school]? *JVH: [^ eng: or you know what do you like to do in your home or what food do you like and if your are not sure about that then you can just tell her in French ok] ? *D44: [^ eng: yeah] oui . *JVH: ok . *D44: [^ eng: you start (.) go on then] (.) . *D32: [^ eng: you can go so xxx] . *JVH: ok xxx . *D44: [^ eng: what' s the question] ? *JVH: tu aimes qu' est ce que tu aimes? *D44: qu' est@g ce@g que@g tu@g aimes@g? *D32: euh les sports . *D44: xxx . *JVH: par exemple quel sport? *D32: eh l' équitation . *JVH: ok . *D32: la natation eh . *JVH: très bien c' est ça . *D32: eh le netball@s:d . *D44: [^ eng: no you don' t have to keep on going xx you say the questions to me xxx say] le netball@s:d . *D32: [^ eng: alright] . *D44: [^ eng: just say it] tu aimes [^ eng: or no or] j' aime [^ eng: something I can' t remember which is which] . *D32: tu aimes tu aimes la lois(irs) [/] loisirs (.) ? *D44: [^ eng: no you' re going to ask me what I like and don' t like you go] tu aimes [^ eng: something] . *D32: xxx . *D44: j' aime [^ eng: that' s what I like yeah] . *D44: j' aime la natation et ehm tennis [^ eng: no] le tennis (.) . *D32: euh oui . *D44: [^ eng: oh I' ll ask you] um je n' ai pas [^ eng: no no] tu aimes? *D32: euh (.) . *D44: tu aimes tu aimes pas [^ eng: sorry just say it then] . *D32: ok euh la foot (.) . *D44: oui . *D32: et le rugby . *JVH: ça va pas de problèmes non? *D32: oui . *D44: non . *JVH: c' est bien . *D32: [^ eng: do we have to ask questions for every single one of them] ? *JVH: non comme tu veux comme tu veux faire choisis . *D44: [^ eng: ah it' s your go] . *D32: euh je ne euh +... *D44: [^ eng: just just you told me it] tu aimes [^ eng: sorry] . *D32: tu n' aimes pas xxx . *D44: euh le rugby et [^ eng: I was going to say a friend] . *D32: [^ eng: you were going to say what] ? *D44: [^ eng: friends] à la [^ eng: no] euh euh un canard . *D32: [^ eng: what? a duck] ? *D44: [^ eng: I don' t like them] . *D32: [^ eng: xxx sport this is] . *D44: [^ eng: no it doesn' t have to be] . *D32: [^ eng: alright then] . *D44: [^ eng: does it] ? *D32: [^ eng: euh I don' t know] (.) . *D44: [^ eng: Gemma stop being spastic and just write it down] . *D32: [^ eng: xxx not a duck on sport you can' t say I don' t like ducks] . *D44: [^ eng: I don' t think we have to write it do we] ? *D32: [^ eng: um do we have to write just sports and then that] ? *JVH: euh ça va pour les sports . *D32: [^ eng: she says she doesn' t like ducks but xxx] . *JVH: ok ça va tu peux mettre ducks@s:d (.) ça c' est pour c' est des idées [^ eng: this is just some ideas but you don' t have to stick to accurately to say ducks as well] . *D44: [^ eng: what what' s that] ? *JVH: [^ eng: anything you can say in French loisirs leisure activities things you do in your spare time ok] ? *D44: um . *JVH: ok continuez . *D32: tu aimes les loisirs? *D44: euh euh (.) . *D32: [^ eng: do you like running or riding or anything like that] ? *D44: [^ eng: no] (.) euh le natation [^ eng: again] . *JVH: [^ eng: try and do as much as you can in French if you get stuck just try and sort it out xx in French] . *D44: ok . *JVH: [^ eng: you can move onto things at school if you want to xxx] le français l' histoire la géographie . *D44: oh euh j' aime la +... *D32: au collège? *D44: au collège? *D32: [^ eng: eh what don' t you like] ? *D44: [^ eng: no I' m asking you] . *D32: [^ eng: ok then] . *D44: [^ eng: any other] ? *D32: eh (.) le géo? *D44: le [^ eng: what] ? *D32: le géo les maths (.) . *D44: eh [//] [/] tu aimes? *D32: tu n' aimes pas . *D44: tu n' aimes pas [^ eng: sorry] tu n' aimes pas [^ eng: go on then] . *D32: euh l' histoire . *D44: [^ eng: hurray hurray (.) alright] l' histoire? *D32: oui . *D44: [^ eng: you don' t like history? oh my God] . *D32: [^ eng: well I have to say something that I don' t know xxx] . *D44: eh eh eh [^ eng: ask me] oui oui . *D32: xxx . *D44: [^ eng: hello] . *JVH: un problème? *D44: [^ eng: well we don' t know the questions] . *D32: [^ eng: I don' t I don' t like xxx] . *JVH: alors ok alors au collège tu n' aimes tu n' aimes pas la géo l' histoire la (.) la musique le dessin? *D32: [^ eng: ah right] la musique . *D44: [^ eng: what ah] (.) . *D32: [^ eng: xxx think of something] (.) tu n' aimes pas au collège? *D44: euh . *D32: n' aime n' aime [^ eng: don' t] . *D44: ah euh les maths eh [^ eng: how do you say R@l E@l in French] ? *JVH: euh E@l R@l changez E@l R@l éducation religieuse . *D44: E@l R@l . *JVH: tu n' aimes pas l' éducation religieuse oui R@l E@l c' est ça c' est bien . *D32: eh tu aimes le collège (.) ? *D44: euh um euh la musique ? *D32: [^ eng: do you like music] ? *D44: non non . *D32: [/] la musique? *D44: euh . *D32: [^ eng: xxx I asked you do you like acting just say] ? %com: tape turned off and on *D44: le drama@s:d [^ eng: oh what' s art] le art [/] art . *D32: le dessin . *D44: art . *D32: le dessin . *D44: le dessin [*] [^ eng: sorry] . %err: dessine = dessin *D32: dessin [/] dessin . *D44: la dessin . *D32: [^ eng: you don' t know much when it comes to it do you] ? *D44: [^ eng: right euh what' s that] ? *D32: [^ eng: food what food you like] . *D44: [^ eng: sorry vegetarian] . *D32: [^ eng: I don' t know xxx] . *D44: [^ eng: I' m vegetarian no but you can say them like you know what cow is and thing] . *D32: [^ eng: I like a cow] . *D44: tu aimes à manger? *D32: [^ eng: what' s a pig] un cochon? *D44: cochon . *D32: moi tu aimes la cochon [^ eng: I like that I like a pig] . *D44: [^ eng: a whole a whole] ? *D32: [^ eng: ah no no that' s for my food] . *D44: [^ eng: yeah I know] . *D32: [^ eng: yeah] . *D44: et le on tu aimes n' aimes pas? *D32: [^ eng: euh I don' t know how to say baked potato] (.) . *D44: euh . *D32: [^ eng: baked potato] . *D44: [^ eng: you don' t like it] ? *D32: [^ eng: no] . *D44: [^ eng: is that it] ? *D32: [^ eng: yeah that' s what I do I do like plain foods] . *D44: [^ eng: you' ve got it to say in French] . *JVH: oui oui en français . *D32: [^ eng: yeah but I don' t I don' t know xxx foods] . *JVH: ok est ce qu' il y a un problème ok un deux trois quatre cinq ok un deux trois quatre ok un deux trois trois quatre vous pouvez continuer continuez avec section B@l . *D32: [^ eng: but we in ehm our lessons xxx done food] . *JVH: ok . *D44: [^ eng: we' ve done animals] . *D32: [^ eng: we' ve done crisps we' ve done things like crisps xxx] . *JVH: ok laissez ça ça va vous continuez avec ça oui ok alors Monique et Pierre alors Sophie tu vas dire à Gemma Pierre adore Pierre aime Pierre déteste et cetera ok? *D44: oh oui . *JVH: ok ça va Pierre +... *D44: Pierre euh déteste . *JVH: qu' est ce qu' il déteste? *D44: qu' est@g ce@g qu' il@g déteste@g? *JVH: il déteste? *D44: histoire . *JVH: l' histoire ok . *D32: [^ eng: how come he' s got three crosses] ? *JVH: il déteste il déteste oui ok . *D44: [^ eng: so what would you say for that one then] ? *JVH: il n' aime pas oui il n' aime pas ok alors . *D32: [^ eng: what do I do now] ? *JVH: xxx ok . *D32: xxx . *D44: [^ eng: xxx what did you have to do] ? *D32: [^ eng: xxx how do you] ? *D44: [^ eng: no don' t say come on just do it] . *D32: [^ eng: I' m doing it xxx] . *D44: [^ eng: you' ve got to write it down what I' ve just said] . *D32: [^ eng: but you didn' t say anything] . *JVH: ok . *D44: [^ eng: I said Pierre] euh . *JVH: Pierre déteste l' histoire . *D44: déteste@g histoire@g . *JVH: bon tu vas écrire history@s:d c' est bien (.) c' est bien (.) . *D32: euh Pierre déteste xxx shopping . *JVH: oui il déteste le shopping . *D32: le shopping . *JVH: ok . *D44: [^ eng: that one that one (.) euh Pierre what' s like] tu aimes . *D32: Pierre aime +... *D44: [/] Pierre aime euh ice_cream@s:d . *D32: un@n glace . *D44: un@n glace [^ eng: sorry] (.) . *D32: Pierre déteste la devoirs . *D44: [^ eng: what] ? *D32: [^ eng: doesn' t like homework] . *D44: oui (.) euh Monique . *D32: [^ eng: no Pierre come on we finish Pierre first] . *D44: ok Pierre super euh poisson (.) ? *D32: poisson . *D44: [^ eng: um what' s that] ? *JVH: avion . *D44: oh avion . *D32: [^ eng: xxx picture] . *JVH: [^ eng: or poisson well it' s I think it' s an aeroplane actually so you can put aeroplane down] . *D44: oh . *D44: avion (.) . *D32: xxx . *D44: [^ eng: what? I didn' t do anything you are the one xxx] . *D32: [^ eng: xxx there' s a picture] . *D44: [^ eng: yeah yeah yeah right whatever you say um] . *D32: Pierre aime la télévision . *D44: [^ eng: oh no] Pierre aime la télévision . *D32: la [/] la regarder la télévision (.) . *D32: ok Pierre aime les maths . *D44: eh Pierre nul +... *D32: n' aime pas . *D44: n' aime pas . *D32: du vélo . *D44: du vélo [^ eng: don' t tell me (.) right] [//] Monique aime [^ eng: oh no] Monique super aime la tennis . *D32: [^ eng: oh right] . *D44: [^ eng: don' t look at my sheet] . *D32: [^ eng: I wasn' t I was xxx] Pierre et Monique ok? *D44: [^ eng: no it' s your turn] . *D32: Monique aime la géo aime aime aime aime aime aime la géo bien . *D44: eh Monique aime la au cinéma . *D32: pardon? *D44: Monique aime la cinéma (.) . *D32: Monique aime la musique (.) . *D32: Monique n' aime pas la natation . *D44: la nata(tion) [^ eng: wait a minute] euh Monique n' aime pas eh lire (.) . *D32: oui? *D44: [^ eng: hang on it' s your go] . *D32: euh Monique n' aime pas le chat . *D44: n' aime pas la chat euh Monique n' aime pas +... *D32: [^ eng: what on earth is that] ? *D44: [^ eng: I don' t know] (.) . *D32: [^ eng: a bit of sign language I think] ehm . *D44: [^ eng: what' s that] ? *JVH: promener faire des promenades . *D44: oh . *JVH: tu comprends en français? *D44: oui oui . *JVH: oui faire des promenades? *D44: [^ eng: yeah] . *D32: [^ eng: walking] ? *JVH: oui c' est ça c' est très bien . *D44: euh non pas est promenade . *D32: [^ eng: finished] . *D44: [^ eng: euh penpal? penpal you' ve got to write down which one you think is your penpal (.) no no no no (.) no he doesn' t like] (.) . *D32: [^ eng: no sorry it' s no good for him mainly because I can' t speak French good enough I don' t think you know much you don' t know much] . *D44: euh fini fini xx . *JVH: c' est bien maintenant regardez est ce qu' il y a un correspondant possible est ce que ça va avec ça ou avec ça par exemple alors est ce qu' il y a un correspondant possible pour Sophie ehm Monique Pierre ou non? *D32: [^ eng: try and say who if I think that she] ? *JVH: oui oui ok? *D44: [^ eng: right euh] . *JVH: tu peux dire Pierre est possible ou non Monique est possible oui ok c' est ça en français oui? *D44: oui . *JVH: très bien (.) . *D44: [^ eng: do you like maths] ? *D32: [^ eng: no xx] . *D44: eh Pierre . *D32: [^ eng: do you like planes] ? *D44: Pierre . *D32: [^ eng: I don' t think so because he doesn' t he likes watching TV and also] +... *D44: eh Monique oui? *D32: non [^ eng: just put Pierre] . *D44: Monique . *D32: non Pierre . *D44: [^ eng: no I think you' re more like Monique so I' m putting Monique] (.) . *D32: [^ eng: you' re Pierre then definitely Pierre] . *D44: [^ eng: what] ? *D32: [^ eng: I don' t know] . *D44: [^ eng: I don' t like ice_creams I don' t like aeroplanes I do like maths I like I love shopping I love well I don' t I love cycling and I like homework] . *D32: [^ eng: you do not] . *D44: [^ eng: I do] . *D32: [^ eng: you never get it in on time then] . *D44: [^ eng: shut up goodbye] non au revoir . @End