@UTF8 @Begin @Languages: fr @Participants: R38 Subject, R35 Partner, R00 Investigator @ID: fr|flloc|R38||female|School-2-8a||Subject|| @ID: fr|flloc|R35|||||Partner|| @ID: fr|flloc|R00|||||Investigator|| @Date: 28-NOV-1994 @Coder: LON converter AWH *R38: je m' appelle Katie xx . %mor: pro:subj|je&1S pro:refl|me&1S v|appeler-PRES&_1SV n:prop|Katie undef|xx . *R00: c' est bien Katie et toi ? %mor: pro|ce/ces&SING v:exist|être&PRES&3SV adv|bien n:prop|Katie conj|et pro|toi ? *R35: je m' appelle Matthew . %mor: pro:subj|je&1S pro:refl|me&1S v|appeler-PRES&_1SV n:prop|Matthew . *R00: très bien Matthew . %mor: adv|très adv|bien n:prop|Matthew . *R35: ok # [^ eng: right right] il s' appelle Jacques # . %mor: co|ok pro:subj|il&MASC&_3S pro:refl|se&3SP v|appeler-PRES&_3SV n:prop|Jacques . *R35: euh # c' est grande . %mor: co|euh pro|ce/ces&SING v:exist|être&PRES&3SV adj|grande&FEM . *R38: ah oui . %mor: co:act|ah adv:yn|oui . *R35: et # yeux je # grand t_shirt et # et # ooh # blondes # raides # [^ eng: short hai(r)] . %mor: conj|et n|oeil&_MASC&PL pro:subj|je&1S n|grand&MASC n|t_shirt&_MASC&_SING conj|et conj|et co|ooh adj|blonde&_FEM-_PL adj|raide&_PL . *R38: rouge ? %mor: adj|rouge ? *R35: cheveux [^ eng: no] # euh # [//] # les yeux bleus . %mor: n|cheveu&_MASC&_PL co|euh det|les&PL n|oeil&_MASC&PL n|bleu&_MASC-_PL . *R38: mmm . %mor: co|mmm . *R35: # et # le grand [//] grande nose@s:d . %mor: conj|et det|le&MASC&SING n|grande&FEM n:eng|nose . %com: laughs *R35: et oh # bleu noir [^ eng: trouse # trouse trouser(s) ] ? %mor: conj|et co:act|oh adj|bleu&_MASC n|noir&_MASC ? %com: laughs *R38: [^ eng: trouse] . %com: laughing repeats *R35: non euh # noir trousers@s:d . %mor: adv:yn|non co|euh n|noir&_MASC n:eng|trousers . %com: laughs *R38: # oh . %mor: co:act|oh . *R35: ça va ? %mor: pro:dem|ça v:mdllex|aller&PRES&3SV ? *R38: mmm . %mor: co|mmm . *R35: # xx # fini ? %mor: undef|xx v:pp|finir ? *R38: non . %mor: adv:yn|non . *R35: oh . %mor: co:act|oh . %com: pause for drawing *R38: [^ eng: trousers] . %com: whispers *R35: # oh blonds cheveux # voilà # Jacques . %mor: co:act|oh adj|blond&_MASC-_PL n|cheveu&_MASC&_PL adv:place|voilà n:prop|Jacques . *R38: # fini [^ eng: oh hang on] # . %mor: v:pp|finir . %com: laughs *R35: [^ eng: got three arms] ? %com: laughs *R38: laughs . %mor: ?|laughs . *R35: toi . %mor: pro|toi . *R38: euh # s' appelle Louise . %mor: co|euh pro:refl|se&3SP v|appeler-PRES&_3SV n:prop|Louise . *R35: pardon ? %mor: co|pardon ? *R38: Louise . %mor: n:prop|Louise . *R35: Louise . %mor: n:prop|Louise . %com: laughs *R38: Louise . %mor: n:prop|Louise . *R35: Louise . %mor: n:prop|Louise . *R38: s' appelle Louise . %mor: pro:refl|se&3SP v|appeler-PRES&_3SV n:prop|Louise . *R35: oui . %mor: adv:yn|oui . *R38: euh # c' est # petite # euh # euh chemise # euh frisés et +... %mor: co|euh pro|ce/ces&SING v:exist|être&PRES&3SV adj|petite&FEM co|euh co|euh n|chemise&_FEM co|euh v:pp|friser&_MASC&_PL conj|et +... %com: means cheveux ? *R35: mmm . %mor: co|mmm . *R38: et . %mor: conj|et . *R35: cru ? %mor: n|cru&_MASC ? %com: crew cut ? *R38: # jaune . %mor: adj|jaune . *R35: # oui . %mor: adv:yn|oui . *R38: euh # un peu euh . %mor: co|euh det|un&MASC&SING adv|peu co|euh . *R35: ok [^ eng: whoa whoa whoa] . %mor: co|ok . *R38: pardon . %mor: co|pardon . %com: laughs *R35: oui ? %mor: adv:yn|oui ? *R38: un pull # bleu et # blond . %mor: det|un&MASC&SING n|pull&_MASC n|bleu&_MASC conj|et n|blond&_MASC . *R35: # oui . %mor: adv:yn|oui . *R38: euh # et # . %mor: co|euh conj|et . *R35: non oh non euh # c' est petit ? %mor: adv:yn|non co:act|oh adv:yn|non co|euh pro|ce/ces&SING v:exist|être&PRES&3SV adj|petit&MASC ? *R38: # oui mmm . %mor: adv:yn|oui co|mmm . *R35: oui mmm ? %mor: adv:yn|oui co|mmm ? %com: echoing partner *R38: [^ eng: sort of] petite [//] # assez petite [^ eng: that' s it # that' s] # . %mor: adv|assez adj|petite&FEM . *R38: euh # qu' est ce que c' est [^ eng: trousers] en français ? %mor: co|euh conj|que v:exist|être&PRES&3SV prep|ce prep|que pro|ce/ces&SING v:exist|être&PRES&3SV prep:art|en n|français&_MASC&_SINGPL ? *R35: [^ eng: trousers] . *R38: [^ eng: Miss xx] . %com: laughs *R00: oui . %mor: adv:yn|oui . *R38: qu' est ce que c' est [^ eng: trousers] en français ? %mor: conj|que v:exist|être&PRES&3SV prep|ce prep|que pro|ce/ces&SING v:exist|être&PRES&3SV prep:art|en n|français&_MASC&_SINGPL ? *R00: pantalon . %mor: n|pantalon&_MASC . *R38: pantalon@g . %mor: imit|pantalon . *R35: oh oui . %mor: co:act|oh adv:yn|oui . *R38: un pantalon # rouge . %mor: det|un&MASC&SING n|pantalon&_MASC n|rouge . *R35: rouge oui # c' est tall@s:a ? %mor: n|rouge adv:yn|oui pro|ce/ces&SING v:exist|être&PRES&3SV adj:eng|tall ? *R38: # non c' est petit . %mor: adv:yn|non pro|ce/ces&SING v:exist|être&PRES&3SV adj|petit&MASC . %com: laughing *R35: c' est petit . %mor: pro|ce/ces&SING v:exist|être&PRES&3SV adj|petit&MASC . *R38: # fini ? %mor: *JVH: bon Gareth et puis ça va James c' est ça c' est ça ok James tu vas commencer # . *R29: [^ eng: black hair] . *R15: [^ eng: black hair] . *R29: [^ eng: euh um um how do you say black how do you say black] ? *R15: blanc [^ eng: I don' t know just say black hair] . %mor: adj|blanc&_MASC . *R29: [^ eng: he' s got black hair # eh yeah curly curly curly] . *R15: [^ eng: curly] . *R29: [^ eng: not long short] # un@n shirt@s:a un@n shirt@s:a [^ eng: long face] . %mor: neo|un adj:eng|shirt neo|un adj:eng|shirt . *R15: [^ eng: long] ? *R29: [^ eng: not too long though] # . *R15: [^ eng: sorry makes her look like a witch # give me the rubber # give me] . *R29: [^ eng: he' s a xx] # . *R15: [^ eng: shut up euh] # . *R29: [^ eng: um um # green t_shirt how do you say green] ? *R15: [^ eng: can you give me some face descriptions first so I know about the face] ? *R29: [^ eng: blue eyes # no glasses] . *R15: [^ eng: ok no glasses] . *R29: [^ eng: pig nose xxx] . *R15: [^ eng: yeah] . *R29: [^ eng: big smile big smile # how do you say green excuse me how do you say green] . *R15: [^ eng: if you don' t know how do you say green so he' s going to say] en anglais . %mor: prep:art|en n|anglais&_MASC&_SINGPL . *R29: [^ eng: tell me] . *R15: [^ eng: on no just say in English] . *R29: [/] un@n vert t_shirt # verts shorts@s:d [^ eng: oh god] xxx rouge short@s:d . %mor: neo|un adj|vert&MASC n|t_shirt&_MASC&_SING n|vert&MASC-_PL n:eng|shorts undef|xxx n|rouge n:eng|short . *R15: [^ eng: don' t bother] . *R29: [^ eng: shorts] . *R15: [^ eng: I thought you said short] . *R29: [^ eng: thin legs how do you say thin and he' s] grande # [^ eng: not fat thin xxx] . %mor: adj|grande&FEM . *R15: [^ eng: he' s got thin legs boney] . *R29: [^ eng: come one we' ll get xxx] . *R15: [^ eng: has he got shoes on] ? *R29: non [^ eng: I don' t know it' s up to you if you give him shorts] # . %mor: adv:yn|non . *R15: [^ eng: he' s got stilts] . *JVH: c' est un garçon ou une fille ? *R29: un@n garçon . %mor: neo|un n|garçon&_MASC . *R15: une fille . %mor: det|une&FEM&SING n|fille&_FEM . *JVH: ah bon . *R29: garçon . %mor: n|garçon&_MASC . *R15: [^ eng: oh god he isn' t a boy] ? *R29: [^ eng: yes he is] . *JVH: [^ eng: don' t forget to tell him what the name is xxx] . *R29: un@n Marc . %mor: neo|un n:prop|Marc . *R15: Marc ? %mor: n:prop|Marc ? *R29: je s' appelle Marc # . %mor: pro:subj|je&1S pro:refl|se&3SP v|appeler-PRES&_1SV n:prop|Marc . *R15: c@l c@l . %mor: n:let|c n:let|c . *R29: c@l [^ eng: at the end] c@l . %mor: n:let|c n:let|c . *R15: [^ eng: don' t look xxx] . *R29: [^ eng: no ok] . *R15: [^ eng: so what come on what about her arms] ? *R29: [^ eng: his arms um thin not your kind of thin # god almighty he' s being a bit bird brain today] . *R15: [^ eng: spaghetti] . *R29: [^ eng: it' s spaghetti man # it' s green # t_shirt] . *R15: [^ eng: yeah I' m colouring it in green] . *R29: [^ eng: no you' re not] . *R15: [^ eng: I' m colouring that in there] . *R29: [^ eng: you can' t you' re colour blind # xxx your go # it' s your go to give me a description now] . *R15: [^ eng: oh right # the listeners at home I' m just getting out my card] # . *R29: [^ eng: come on then] . *R15: [^ eng: I can see the] s' appelle Lucy # . %mor: pro:refl|se&3SP v|appeler-PRES&_3SV n:prop|Lucy . *R29: [^ eng: L@l u@l c@l y@l] . *R15: [^ eng: euh euh euh # um # how do you say long blond curly hair] ? *R29: [^ eng: long blond curly hair] . *R15: [^ eng: long blond curly hair in French # um # xxx] . *R29: [^ eng: now I' ve finished James is having a baby # proceed proceed] # . *R15: bleu eyes@s:d xxx bleu et un@n blanc t_shirt . %mor: n|bleu&_MASC n:eng|eyes undef|xxx n|bleu&_MASC conj|et neo|un n|blanc&_MASC n|t_shirt&_MASC&_SING . *R29: [^ eng: pardon] ? *R15: bleu and@s:con blanc . %mor: n|bleu&_MASC co:eng|and n|blanc&_MASC . *R29: [^ eng: what kind of face has she got is it long short fat] ? *R15: [^ eng: fat and chubby fat and round] # . *R29: oh . %mor: co:act|oh . *R15: [^ eng: like Michelin man you stupid] . *R29: [^ eng: proceed] . *R15: [^ eng: they' ve all got pig noses] # . *R29: [^ eng: piggy in the middle piggy in the middle] . *R15: [^ eng: this this is little Miss Piggy] . *R29: xxx . %mor: undef|xxx . *R15: [^ eng: she' s got a smiley mouth red # booh you' ve got scared] xxx . %mor: undef|xxx . *R29: [^ eng: in French um I' ve got a snotty jumper go on proceed] . *R15: [^ eng: blue and white striped t_shirt # um xx t_shirt should be a fashion show chubby as well she is chubby arms] # . *R15: [^ eng: I just don' t don' t know it in French I wasn' t here when we did it euh ask me something Gareth] . *R29: un@n trousers@s:d ? %mor: neo|un n:eng|trousers ? *R15: [^ eng: yeah] rouge . %mor: adj|rouge . *R29: rouge # . %mor: adj|rouge . *R15: xxx . %mor: undef|xxx . *R29: une feet@s:d ? %mor: pro|une&FEM&_SING n:eng|feet ? *R15: [^ eng: non she has no feet she can' t walk you see] . *R29: [^ eng: bare or shoed] ? *R15: oui [^ eng: stop looking Gareth] . %mor: adv:yn|oui . *R29: [^ eng: has she got shoes on then] ? *R15: [^ eng: we' ve finished] . *R29: [^ eng: I' ll draw in feet # I' ll draw her feet] . *R15: [^ eng: she' s meant to be chubby she' s meant to be ] un@n grande . %mor: neo|un adj|grande&FEM . *R29: [^ eng: there' s her knees time to colour in xxx where you get pencils and colour] . *R15: [^ eng: don' t don' t because we want to go on to the next task because this is one is boring as well] . *R29: [^ eng: I' m just doing this I' m just doing this # now I need some] bleu . %mor: adj|bleu&_MASC . *R15: [^ eng: I want to do the story that one looks well good] . *R29: [^ eng: you do the story] . *R15: [^ eng: I want to looks well good] . *R29: [^ eng: Miss we' ve] fini . %mor: v:pp|finir . *R15: [^ eng: Miss we' ve finished] # . *R29: [^ eng: can we turn it off # Miss can we turn it off] ? *R15: [^ eng: bye bye] . @End ? *R35: pantalon rouge ? %mor: n|pantalon&_MASC n|rouge ? *R38: oui . %mor: adv:yn|oui . *R35: oui # oui # les [/] # les yeux couleur # es tu est tout ? %mor: adv:yn|oui adv:yn|oui det|les&PL n|oeil&_MASC&PL n|couleur&_FEM v:aux|être&PRES&2SV pro:subj|tu&2S v:exist|être&PRES&3SV pro|tout&MASC&_SING ? *R38: euh bleus . %mor: co|euh n|bleu&_MASC-_PL . *R35: bleus des yeux . %mor: n|bleu&_MASC-_PL det|des&PL n|oeil&_MASC&PL . *R38: yeux beu@n bleus . %mor: n|oeil&_MASC&PL neo|beu n|bleu&_MASC-_PL . *R35: # le grand nose@s:d [^ eng: nose nose nose] . %mor: det|le&MASC&SING n|grand&MASC n:eng|nose . *R38: mmm . %mor: co|mmm . *R35: petit nose@s:d oui ? %mor: adj|petit&MASC n:eng|nose adv:yn|oui ? *R38: mmm . %mor: co|mmm . *R35: xx [^ eng: so so so so] ? %mor: undef|xx ? *R38: # euh . %mor: co|euh . *R35: mi mi mi mi mi . %mor: n|mi&_MASC n|mi&_MASC n|mi&_MASC n|mi&_MASC n|mi&_MASC . %com: a solfa joke *R38: euh grande . %mor: co|euh n|grande&FEM . %com: laughs *R35: grande nose@s:d . %mor: adj|grande&FEM n:eng|nose . *R38: euh mmm . %mor: co|euh co|mmm . %com: laughs *R35: oui [^ eng: moustouche # moust(ache) ] . %mor: adv:yn|oui . *R38: non un@n fille . %mor: adv:yn|non neo|un n|fille&_FEM . *R35: oh pardon . %mor: co:act|oh co|pardon . *R38: laughs . %mor: ?|laughs . *R35: # fini ? %mor: *JVH: bon Gareth et puis ça va James c' est ça c' est ça ok James tu vas commencer # . *R29: [^ eng: black hair] . *R15: [^ eng: black hair] . *R29: [^ eng: euh um um how do you say black how do you say black] ? *R15: blanc [^ eng: I don' t know just say black hair] . %mor: adj|blanc&_MASC . *R29: [^ eng: he' s got black hair # eh yeah curly curly curly] . *R15: [^ eng: curly] . *R29: [^ eng: not long short] # un@n shirt@s:a un@n shirt@s:a [^ eng: long face] . %mor: neo|un adj:eng|shirt neo|un adj:eng|shirt . *R15: [^ eng: long] ? *R29: [^ eng: not too long though] # . *R15: [^ eng: sorry makes her look like a witch # give me the rubber # give me] . *R29: [^ eng: he' s a xx] # . *R15: [^ eng: shut up euh] # . *R29: [^ eng: um um # green t_shirt how do you say green] ? *R15: [^ eng: can you give me some face descriptions first so I know about the face] ? *R29: [^ eng: blue eyes # no glasses] . *R15: [^ eng: ok no glasses] . *R29: [^ eng: pig nose xxx] . *R15: [^ eng: yeah] . *R29: [^ eng: big smile big smile # how do you say green excuse me how do you say green] . *R15: [^ eng: if you don' t know how do you say green so he' s going to say] en anglais . %mor: prep:art|en n|anglais&_MASC&_SINGPL . *R29: [^ eng: tell me] . *R15: [^ eng: on no just say in English] . *R29: [/] un@n vert t_shirt # verts shorts@s:d [^ eng: oh god] xxx rouge short@s:d . %mor: neo|un adj|vert&MASC n|t_shirt&_MASC&_SING n|vert&MASC-_PL n:eng|shorts undef|xxx n|rouge n:eng|short . *R15: [^ eng: don' t bother] . *R29: [^ eng: shorts] . *R15: [^ eng: I thought you said short] . *R29: [^ eng: thin legs how do you say thin and he' s] grande # [^ eng: not fat thin xxx] . %mor: adj|grande&FEM . *R15: [^ eng: he' s got thin legs boney] . *R29: [^ eng: come one we' ll get xxx] . *R15: [^ eng: has he got shoes on] ? *R29: non [^ eng: I don' t know it' s up to you if you give him shorts] # . %mor: adv:yn|non . *R15: [^ eng: he' s got stilts] . *JVH: c' est un garçon ou une fille ? *R29: un@n garçon . %mor: neo|un n|garçon&_MASC . *R15: une fille . %mor: det|une&FEM&SING n|fille&_FEM . *JVH: ah bon . *R29: garçon . %mor: n|garçon&_MASC . *R15: [^ eng: oh god he isn' t a boy] ? *R29: [^ eng: yes he is] . *JVH: [^ eng: don' t forget to tell him what the name is xxx] . *R29: un@n Marc . %mor: neo|un n:prop|Marc . *R15: Marc ? %mor: n:prop|Marc ? *R29: je s' appelle Marc # . %mor: pro:subj|je&1S pro:refl|se&3SP v|appeler-PRES&_1SV n:prop|Marc . *R15: c@l c@l . %mor: n:let|c n:let|c . *R29: c@l [^ eng: at the end] c@l . %mor: n:let|c n:let|c . *R15: [^ eng: don' t look xxx] . *R29: [^ eng: no ok] . *R15: [^ eng: so what come on what about her arms] ? *R29: [^ eng: his arms um thin not your kind of thin # god almighty he' s being a bit bird brain today] . *R15: [^ eng: spaghetti] . *R29: [^ eng: it' s spaghetti man # it' s green # t_shirt] . *R15: [^ eng: yeah I' m colouring it in green] . *R29: [^ eng: no you' re not] . *R15: [^ eng: I' m colouring that in there] . *R29: [^ eng: you can' t you' re colour blind # xxx your go # it' s your go to give me a description now] . *R15: [^ eng: oh right # the listeners at home I' m just getting out my card] # . *R29: [^ eng: come on then] . *R15: [^ eng: I can see the] s' appelle Lucy # . %mor: pro:refl|se&3SP v|appeler-PRES&_3SV n:prop|Lucy . *R29: [^ eng: L@l u@l c@l y@l] . *R15: [^ eng: euh euh euh # um # how do you say long blond curly hair] ? *R29: [^ eng: long blond curly hair] . *R15: [^ eng: long blond curly hair in French # um # xxx] . *R29: [^ eng: now I' ve finished James is having a baby # proceed proceed] # . *R15: bleu eyes@s:d xxx bleu et un@n blanc t_shirt . %mor: n|bleu&_MASC n:eng|eyes undef|xxx n|bleu&_MASC conj|et neo|un n|blanc&_MASC n|t_shirt&_MASC&_SING . *R29: [^ eng: pardon] ? *R15: bleu and@s:con blanc . %mor: n|bleu&_MASC co:eng|and n|blanc&_MASC . *R29: [^ eng: what kind of face has she got is it long short fat] ? *R15: [^ eng: fat and chubby fat and round] # . *R29: oh . %mor: co:act|oh . *R15: [^ eng: like Michelin man you stupid] . *R29: [^ eng: proceed] . *R15: [^ eng: they' ve all got pig noses] # . *R29: [^ eng: piggy in the middle piggy in the middle] . *R15: [^ eng: this this is little Miss Piggy] . *R29: xxx . %mor: undef|xxx . *R15: [^ eng: she' s got a smiley mouth red # booh you' ve got scared] xxx . %mor: undef|xxx . *R29: [^ eng: in French um I' ve got a snotty jumper go on proceed] . *R15: [^ eng: blue and white striped t_shirt # um xx t_shirt should be a fashion show chubby as well she is chubby arms] # . *R15: [^ eng: I just don' t don' t know it in French I wasn' t here when we did it euh ask me something Gareth] . *R29: un@n trousers@s:d ? %mor: neo|un n:eng|trousers ? *R15: [^ eng: yeah] rouge . %mor: adj|rouge . *R29: rouge # . %mor: adj|rouge . *R15: xxx . %mor: undef|xxx . *R29: une feet@s:d ? %mor: pro|une&FEM&_SING n:eng|feet ? *R15: [^ eng: non she has no feet she can' t walk you see] . *R29: [^ eng: bare or shoed] ? *R15: oui [^ eng: stop looking Gareth] . %mor: adv:yn|oui . *R29: [^ eng: has she got shoes on then] ? *R15: [^ eng: we' ve finished] . *R29: [^ eng: I' ll draw in feet # I' ll draw her feet] . *R15: [^ eng: she' s meant to be chubby she' s meant to be ] un@n grande . %mor: neo|un adj|grande&FEM . *R29: [^ eng: there' s her knees time to colour in xxx where you get pencils and colour] . *R15: [^ eng: don' t don' t because we want to go on to the next task because this is one is boring as well] . *R29: [^ eng: I' m just doing this I' m just doing this # now I need some] bleu . %mor: adj|bleu&_MASC . *R15: [^ eng: I want to do the story that one looks well good] . *R29: [^ eng: you do the story] . *R15: [^ eng: I want to looks well good] . *R29: [^ eng: Miss we' ve] fini . %mor: v:pp|finir . *R15: [^ eng: Miss we' ve finished] # . *R29: [^ eng: can we turn it off # Miss can we turn it off] ? *R15: [^ eng: bye bye] . @End ? *R38: oui . %mor: adv:yn|oui . *R35: [^ eng: thank you] # madame fini . %mor: n|madame&_FEM n|fini&_MASC . *R00: ok euh # il vous reste encore deux minutes # non regarde pas ok . %mor: co|ok co|euh pro:subj|il&MASC&_3S pro:refl|vous&2P v|rester-PRES&_3SV adv|encore num|deux n|minute&_FEM-_PL adv:yn|non v|regarder-IMP&_2SV adv:neg|pas co|ok . %com: laughing *R35: [^ eng: oh sorry I wanted to look at my] . *R00: peut_être encore un oui ? %mor: adv|peut_être&ADV adv|encore det|un&MASC&SING adv:yn|oui ? *R35: oui ? %mor: adv:yn|oui ? *R38: [^ eng: one more] ? *R00: oui . %mor: adv:yn|oui . *R38: # ok . %mor: co|ok . *R35: ok euh # le # il s' appelle Marc . %mor: co|ok co|euh det|le&MASC&SING pro:subj|il&MASC&_3S pro:refl|se&3SP v|appeler-PRES&_3SV n:prop|Marc . *R38: Marc oui ? %mor: n:prop|Marc adv:yn|oui ? *R35: ok # il est les # petit . %mor: co|ok pro:subj|il&MASC&_3S v:exist|être&PRES&3SV det|les&PL n|petit&MASC . *R38: oui . %mor: adv:yn|oui . *R35: [^ eng: what' s thin] ? *R00: mince . %mor: co|mince . *R35: il est les mince@g . %mor: pro:subj|il&MASC&_3S v:exist|être&PRES&3SV det|les&PL imit|mince . *R00: mince oui c' est ça . %mor: co|mince adv:yn|oui pro|ce/ces&SING v:exist|être&PRES&3SV pro:dem|ça . *R35: [/] le mince et # le@n t_shirt # oh vert [/] # verte # et # le # shorts rouge . %mor: det|le&MASC&SING co|mince conj|et neo|le n|t_shirt&_MASC&_SING co:act|oh n|verte&FEM conj|et det|le&MASC&SING n|short&_MASC-_PL n|rouge . *R38: # euh pardon ? %mor: co|euh co|pardon ? *R35: # le@n t_shirt # verte . %mor: neo|le n|t_shirt&_MASC&_SING n|verte&FEM . *R38: oui . %mor: adv:yn|oui . *R35: le shorts@s:d # rou(ge) [/] rouge . %mor: det|le&MASC&SING n:eng|shorts n|rouge . *R38: [^ eng: short] ? *R35: shorts@s:d rouge . %mor: n:eng|shorts n|rouge . %com: laughs *R38: [^ eng: deuh] # # . *R35: le frisés # . %mor: pro:obj|le&MASC&SING v:pp|friser&_MASC&_PL . *R38: [^ eng: hang on] . *R35: # noir # oh non non non # [^ eng: what' s what' s hair] ? %mor: adj|noir&_MASC co:act|oh adv:yn|non adv:yn|non adv:yn|non ? %com: whispers *R38: euh # euh cheveux # cheval [^ eng: no that' s horse] . %mor: co|euh co|euh n|cheveu&_MASC&_PL n|cheval&_MASC&_SING . *R35: chemise . %mor: n|chemise&_FEM . *R38: chemise@g oui [^ eng: no # that' s shirt] . %mor: imit|chemise adv:yn|oui . *R00: chemise c' est ça . %mor: n|chemise&_FEM pro|ce/ces&SING v:exist|être&PRES&3SV pro:dem|ça . *R35: [^ eng: no hair] . *R00: ah cheveux . %mor: co:act|ah n|cheveu&_MASC&_PL . *R38: cheveux@g . %mor: imit|cheveux . *R35: cheveux@g . %mor: imit|cheveux . *R38: oui cheveux . %mor: adv:yn|oui n|cheveu&_MASC&_PL . *R35: cheveux frisés et noirs . %mor: n|cheveu&_MASC&_PL v:pp|friser&_MASC&_PL conj|et n|noir&_MASC-_PL . *R38: # et noirs oui . %mor: conj|et adj|noir&_MASC-_PL adv:yn|oui . *R35: # et les yeux . %mor: conj|et det|les&PL n|oeil&_MASC&PL . *R38: # les yeux # oui # bleus verts ? %mor: det|les&PL n|oeil&_MASC&PL adv:yn|oui n|bleu&_MASC-_PL n|vert&MASC-_PL ? %com: laughs *R35: oh non euh # . %mor: co:act|oh adv:yn|non co|euh . *R38: euh [^ eng: brown] ? %mor: co|euh ? %com: laughs *R38: qu' est ce que c' est [^ eng: brown] ? %mor: conj|que v:exist|être&PRES&3SV prep|ce prep|que pro|ce/ces&SING v:exist|être&PRES&3SV ? *R35: laughs . %mor: ?|laughs . *R00: brun brun . %mor: adj|brun&MASC adj|brun&MASC . *R38: brun@g . %mor: imit|brun . *R35: brun ? %mor: adj|brun&MASC ? *R00: oui ou marron brun marron oui ? %mor: adv:yn|oui conj|ou adj|marron adj|brun&MASC n|marron&_MASC adv:yn|oui ? *R35: oh marron [^ eng: of course yeah] oui # les yeux marron . %mor: co:act|oh n|marron&_MASC adv:yn|oui det|les&PL n|oeil&_MASC&PL n|marron&_MASC . *R38: # marron oui . %mor: n|marron&_MASC adv:yn|oui . *R35: euh le@n nose@s:d [^ eng: nose] # . %mor: co|euh neo|le n:eng|nose . *R38: nez [?] . %mor: n|nez&_MASC . *R35: minuscule . %mor: adj|minuscule . *R38: minuscule . %mor: adj|minuscule . *R35: # oui fini ? %mor: adv:yn|oui v:pp|finir&_MASC&_SING ? *R38: euh # oui . %mor: co|euh adv:yn|oui . *R35: # oui ? %mor: adv:yn|oui ? *R38: laughs . %mor: ?|laughs . *R00: fini c' est bien vous pouvez arrêter . %mor: v:pp|finir pro|ce/ces&SING v:exist|être&PRES&3SV adv|bien pro:subj|vous&2P v:mdl|pouvoir&PRES&2PV v:inf|arrêter . @End