@UTF8 @Begin @Languages: fr @Participants: R25 Subject, R01 Partner, R00 Investigator @ID: fr|flloc|R25||male|School-1-8l2||Subject|| @ID: fr|flloc|R01|||||Partner|| @ID: fr|flloc|R00|||||Investigator|| @Date: 17-NOV-1994 @Coder: LON converter AWH *R00: tu t' appelles ? %mor: pro:subj|tu&2S pro:refl|te&2S v|appeler-PRES&_2SV ? *R25: t # je m' appelle Gareth . %mor: particle|t pro:subj|je&1S pro:refl|me&1S v|appeler-PRES&_1SV n:prop|Gareth . *R00: c' est très bien bon # et toi ? %mor: pro|ce/ces&SING v:exist|être&PRES&3SV adv|très adv|bien n|bon&_MASC conj|et pro|toi ? *R01: je m' appelle Orhan . %mor: pro:subj|je&1S pro:refl|me&1S v|appeler-PRES&_1SV n:prop|Orhan . *R00: c' est bien # ok Orhan tu peux poser des questions aussi oui ? %mor: pro|ce/ces&SING v:exist|être&PRES&3SV adv|bien co|ok n:prop|Orhan pro:subj|tu&2S v:mdl|pouvoir&PRES&2SV v:inf|poser det|des&PL n|question&_FEM-_PL conj|aussi adv:yn|oui ? *R01: ok . %mor: co|ok . *R00: [^ eng: you can ask questions too as he goes along if you want to check something] . *R25: [^ eng: yeah] . *R00: [^ eng: or you want to ask something extra # so you don' t have to just sit and wait you can ask things] . *R01: ok . %mor: co|ok . *R25: il y a une # +... %mor: pro:subj|il&MASC&_3S pro:y|y v:poss|avoir&PRES&3SV pro|une&FEM&_SING +... *R01: petit [/] petit ou grand . %mor: adv|petit conj|ou adj|grand&MASC . %com: whispers *R25: [^ eng: ah that one # oh grande ish] # grande . %mor: adj|grande&FEM . *R01: il y a une # fille ou garçon ? %mor: pro:subj|il&MASC&_3S pro:y|y v:poss|avoir&PRES&3SV det|une&FEM&SING n|fille&_FEM conj|ou n|garçon&_MASC ? *R25: garçon # um # je m' appelle Marc # une [^ eng: red # hang on a minute] # une roux # short@s:d [//] shorts@s:d . %mor: n|garçon&_MASC co|um pro:subj|je&1S pro:refl|me&1S v|appeler-PRES&_1SV n:prop|Marc det|une&FEM&SING det|une&FEM&SING n|roux&_MASC&_SINGPL n:eng|shorts . *R01: dans le monsieur # [^ eng: I' m not supposed to see it] . %mor: prep:art|dans det|le&MASC&SING n|monsieur&_MASC . %com: whispers *R25: euh . %mor: co|euh . *R00: il y a des problèmes # non c' est bien . %mor: pro:subj|il&MASC&_3S pro:y|y v:poss|avoir&PRES&3SV det|des&PL n|problème&_MASC-_PL adv:yn|non pro|ce/ces&SING v:exist|être&PRES&3SV adv|bien . *R25: euh # . %mor: co|euh . *R01: [^ eng: wait a minute] . %com: continues colouring *R25: il y a une # [^ eng: oh god what' s that] ? %mor: pro:subj|il&MASC&_3S pro:y|y v:poss|avoir&PRES&3SV pro|une&FEM&_SING ? %com: whispers *R01: # [^ eng: right ask me] . %com: whispers *R25: une grand # une # . %mor: det|une&FEM&SING n|grand&MASC pro|une&FEM&_SING . *R01: # il y a une t_shirt ? %mor: pro:subj|il&MASC&_3S pro:y|y v:poss|avoir&PRES&3SV det|une&FEM&SING n|t_shirt&_MASC&_SING ? *R25: oui . %mor: adv:yn|oui . *R01: quelle couleur ? %mor: det:gen|quelle&_FEM&_SING n|couleur&_FEM ? *R25: euh [^ eng: green gra green green green # gra # what' s green # green what' s the colour for green] ? %mor: co|euh ? %com: whispers *R00: [^ eng: this one] ? *R25: [^ eng: yeah] . *R00: vert . %mor: adj|vert&MASC . *R25: vert # t_shirt . %mor: adj|vert&MASC n|t_shirt&_MASC&_SING . *R01: vert t_shirt ? %mor: adj|vert&MASC n|t_shirt&_MASC&_SING ? *R25: oui . %mor: adv:yn|oui . %com: long pause for drawing *R25: et noirs # cheveux # un noir cheveux . %mor: conj|et n|noir&_MASC-_PL n|cheveu&_MASC&_PL det|un&MASC&SING n|noir&_MASC n|cheveu&_MASC&_PL . *R01: # une frisés ou ? %mor: pro|une&FEM&_SING v:pp|friser&_MASC&_PL conj|ou ? *R25: # une [/] # frisés . %mor: pro|une&FEM&_SING v:pp|friser&_MASC&_PL . *R01: [^ eng: curly] . *R25: [^ eng: yeah] . %com: whispers *R01: # oui . %mor: adv:yn|oui . *R25: une yeux # euh # ah # brun grand # # . %mor: det|une&FEM&SING n|oeil&_MASC&PL co|euh co:act|ah n|brun&_MASC n|grand&MASC . *R01: [^ eng: say something else] . %com: whispers *R25: une [/] # une # euh # . %mor: det|une&FEM&SING co|euh . %com: whispers indistinct *R01: fini xx . %mor: v:pp|finir undef|xx . *R25: fini au revoir # [^ eng: stop] . %mor: v:pp|finir prep|au v:inf|revoir . %com: whispers tape off on *R00: ok # bon allez y . %mor: co|ok n|bon&_MASC v:mdl|aller&IMP&2PV pro:y|y . *R01: ok # il y a un une # fille # . %mor: co|ok pro:subj|il&MASC&_3S pro:y|y v:poss|avoir&PRES&3SV det|un&MASC&SING det|une&FEM&SING n|fille&_FEM . *R01: il # je m' appelle Lucy # . %mor: pro:subj|il&MASC&_3S pro:subj|je&1S pro:refl|me&1S v|appeler-PRES&_1SV n:prop|Lucy . *R01: il est un grande [^ eng: miss # how do you say # fat or big] ? %mor: pro:subj|il&MASC&_3S v:exist|être&PRES&3SV det|un&MASC&SING n|grande&FEM ? *R00: [^ eng: fat or big] ? *R01: [^ eng: well # I know] . *R00: grosse # gros ou grosse . %mor: adj|grosse&FEM n|gros&_MASC&_SINGPL conj|ou n|grosse&_FEM . %com: interrupting *R01: [//] une grosse # . %mor: det|une&FEM&SING n|grosse&_FEM . *R01: [//] # il y a [^ eng: alright] +... %mor: pro:subj|il&MASC&_3S pro:y|y v:poss|avoir&PRES&3SV +... *R01: il y a # [^ eng: how do you say yellow # yellow how do you say yellow # how do you say yellow # how do you say yellow] ? %mor: pro:subj|il&MASC&_3S pro:y|y v:poss|avoir&PRES&3SV ? %com: whispers *R25: euh [^ eng: yellow # hang on] # . %mor: co|euh . *R01: [^ eng: no I don' t know # just leave it] # il y a une +... %mor: pro:subj|il&MASC&_3S pro:y|y v:poss|avoir&PRES&3SV pro|une&FEM&_SING +... *R25: [^ eng: blonde # blonde # blonde # blonde] . %com: whispers *R01: [^ eng: no that' s white isn' t it # blonde] il y a une [//] un rouge pantalon . %mor: pro:subj|il&MASC&_3S pro:y|y v:poss|avoir&PRES&3SV det|un&MASC&SING adj|rouge n|pantalon&_MASC . %com: whispers pause for drawing *R01: [/] # il y a # bleu et blanc # t_shirt # [^ eng: white # with stripes # stripes] . %mor: pro:subj|il&MASC&_3S pro:y|y v:poss|avoir&PRES&3SV n|bleu&_MASC conj|et n|blanc&_MASC n|t_shirt&_MASC&_SING . %com: whispers pause for drawing *R01: um # [/] il y a frisés cheveux . %mor: co|um pro:subj|il&MASC&_3S pro:y|y v:poss|avoir&PRES&3SV v:pp|friser&_MASC&_PL n|cheveu&_MASC&_PL . *R25: [^ eng: blondes # blondes] . %com: whispers *R01: # il y a . %mor: pro:subj|il&MASC&_3S pro:y|y v:poss|avoir&PRES&3SV . %com: whispers indistinct *R25: grande ou petit ? %mor: n|grande&FEM conj|ou n|petit&MASC ? *R01: [^ eng: it' s alright you' ve done it # you' ve done it it' alright] . *R01: euh [//] # il y a yeux [//] les yeux bleus # [^ eng: blue eyes] # . %mor: co|euh pro:subj|il&MASC&_3S pro:y|y v:poss|avoir&PRES&3SV det|les&PL n|oeil&_MASC&PL n|bleu&_MASC-_PL . *R01: un fini [^ eng: that' s it] . %mor: pro|un&MASC&_SING v:pp|finir . %com: whispers *R25: une fini . %mor: pro|une&FEM&_SING v:pp|finir . @End