@UTF8 @Begin @Languages: fr @Participants: R23 Subject, R26 Partner, R00 Investigator @ID: fr|flloc|R23||male|School-1-8s2||Subject|| @ID: fr|flloc|R26|||||Partner|| @ID: fr|flloc|R00|||||Investigator|| @Date: 24-NOV-1994 @Coder: LON converter AWH *R00: bon ok Chris continuez # vas y . %mor: n|bon&_MASC co|ok n:prop|Chris v|continuer-IMP&2PV v:mdl|aller&PRES&2SV pro:y|y . *R26: [^ eng: do I have to draw as he' s talking] ? *R00: oui c' est ça allez y . %mor: adv:yn|oui pro|ce/ces&SING v:exist|être&PRES&3SV pro:dem|ça v:mdl|aller&IMP&2PV pro:y|y . *R23: # une petite fille . %mor: det|une&FEM&SING adj|petite&FEM n|fille&_FEM . *R00: oui très bien . %mor: adv:yn|oui adv|très adv|bien . *R23: # les quelque chose # de roux # . %mor: det|les&PL det:gen|quelque n|chose prep:art|de n|roux&_MASC&_SINGPL . *R00: elle est ? %mor: pro:subj|elle&FEM&_3S v:exist|être&PRES&3SV ? *R23: [^ eng: no no] . %com: laughs *R00: non ? %mor: adv:yn|non ? *R23: non euh # le cheveux . %mor: adv:yn|non co|euh det|le&MASC&SING n|cheveu&_MASC&_PL . *R26: [^ eng: what] ? *R00: c' est bien les cheveux . %mor: pro|ce/ces&SING v:exist|être&PRES&3SV adv|bien det|les&PL n|cheveu&_MASC&_PL . *R23: le . %mor: det|le&MASC&SING . *R00: c' est bien les cheveux Katie . %mor: pro|ce/ces&SING v:exist|être&PRES&3SV adv|bien det|les&PL n|cheveu&_MASC&_PL n:prop|Katie . *R26: [^ eng: oh hair] . *R23: le cheveux de # roux . %mor: det|le&MASC&SING n|cheveu&_MASC&_PL prep:art|de n|roux&_MASC&_SINGPL . *R26: [^ eng: red hair] . *R00: c' est ça c' est très bien . %mor: pro|ce/ces&SING v:exist|être&PRES&3SV pro:dem|ça pro|ce/ces&SING v:exist|être&PRES&3SV adv|très adv|bien . *R26: [^ eng: oh I need a red pencil] . %com: laughs *R00: ok c' est bien xxx . %mor: co|ok pro|ce/ces&SING v:exist|être&PRES&3SV adv|bien undef|xxx . *R23: [^ eng: too much ink] . *R26: # [^ eng: go on then] . *R23: c' est la mince . %mor: pro|ce/ces&SING v:exist|être&PRES&3SV det|la&FEM&SING co|mince . *R26: [^ eng: thin # yeah] . *R23: et # le jupe de # [^ eng: what' s yellow] ? %mor: conj|et det|le&MASC&SING n|jupe&_FEM prep|de ? *R26: [^ eng: yellow what # yellow what] ? %com: laughs whispers whispers *R23: [^ eng: skirt] # # de deux oh . %mor: prep:art|de adj|deux&_SINGPL co:act|oh . %com: whispers . *R26: [^ eng: Chris it hasn' t got any eyes] . %com: laughs *R23: le vertes . %mor: det|le&MASC&SING n|verte&FEM-_PL . *R26: [^ eng: what # what colour] # xx ? %mor: undef|xx ? %com: laughs whispers *R23: [/] # [/] # c' est la # madame # euh # um [^ eng: oh what' s it called] ? %mor: pro|ce/ces&SING v:exist|être&PRES&3SV det|la&FEM&SING n|madame&_FEM co|euh co|um ? %com: laughing to R *R00: qu' est ce que c' est ? %mor: conj|que v:exist|être&PRES&3SV prep|ce prep|que pro|ce/ces&SING v:exist|être&PRES&3SV ? *R23: [^ eng: yeah] qu' est ce que c' est ? %mor: conj|que v:exist|être&PRES&3SV prep|ce prep|que pro|ce/ces&SING v:exist|être&PRES&3SV ? *R00: qu' est ce que c' est um ça peut être un chemisier . %mor: conj|que v:exist|être&PRES&3SV prep|ce prep|que pro|ce/ces&SING v:exist|être&PRES&3SV co|um pro:dem|ça v:mdl|pouvoir&PRES&3SV v:exist|être&INF det|un&MASC&SING n|chemisier&_MASC . *R23: [^ eng: yeah] . *R00: un pullover . %mor: det|un&MASC&SING n|pullover . *R23: une chemisier de [^ eng: blue] # bleu # [^ eng: sorry] . %mor: det|une&FEM&SING n|chemisier&_MASC prep:art|de n|bleu&_MASC . %com: laughs *R26: xx bleu # [^ eng: right ok # or any ears] . %mor: undef|xx n|bleu&_MASC . %com: laughing whispers *R23: j' ai ne pas le # ears@s:d # euh # . %mor: pro:subj|je&1S v:aux|avoir&PRES&1SV adv:neg|ne adv:neg|pas det|le&MASC&SING n:eng|ears co|euh . %com: laughing *R23: c' est um [^ eng: what' s long] ? %mor: pro|ce/ces&SING v:exist|être&PRES&3SV co|um ? *R00: # les cheveux . %mor: det|les&PL n|cheveu&_MASC&_PL . *R23: de # lo(ngs) [//] longs . %mor: prep:art|de n|long&_MASC-_PL . *R00: longs . %mor: adj|long&_MASC-_PL . *R23: longs@g . %mor: imit|longs . *R00: les cheveux longs . %mor: det|les&PL n|cheveu&_MASC&_PL n|long&_MASC-_PL . *R23: le cheveux@g longs@g . %mor: det|le&MASC&SING imit|cheveux imit|longs . *R26: [^ eng: Chris has it got a nose or a mouth] ? *R23: [^ eng: draw them in] . *R26: [^ eng: you' ve got to say to me # you haven' t told me what colour eyes it' s got yet] . *R23: [^ eng: I have] . *R26: [^ eng: what] ? *R23: vertes . %mor: adj|verte&FEM-_PL . *R26: [^ eng: what what' s that] ? *R23: # c' est les cheveux vertes . %mor: pro|ce/ces&SING v:exist|être&PRES&3SV det|les&PL n|cheveu&_MASC&_PL n|verte&FEM-_PL . *R26: [^ eng: what' s that] ? *R00: les cheveux ? %mor: det|les&PL n|cheveu&_MASC&_PL ? *R23: [^ eng: oh no] le [^ eng: oh # I can' t remember clothing] . %mor: det|le&MASC&SING . *R00: les les yeux ? %mor: det|les&PL det|les&PL n|oeil&_MASC&PL ? *R23: [^ eng: yeah] le . %mor: det|le&MASC&SING . *R00: les yeux . %mor: det|les&PL n|oeil&_MASC&PL . *R23: les # les yeux de vertes . %mor: det|les&PL det|les&PL n|oeil&_MASC&PL prep:art|de n|verte&FEM-_PL . *R26: [^ eng: what' s that # green what # oh I' ve coloured them in blue] . %com: laughs *R23: # c' est fini ? %mor: pro|ce/ces&SING v:exist|être&PRES&3SV v:pp|finir&_MASC&_SING ? %com: laughs *R26: [^ eng: nose and mouth] . %com: whispers laughs *R23: [^ eng: oh um you don' t need to ask about the nose and mouth] . %com: laughs *R00: non non ça va . %mor: adv:yn|non adv:yn|non pro:dem|ça v:mdllex|aller&PRES&3SV . *R23: [^ eng: well they have to xxx don' t they] ? *R26: [^ eng: I' ll do the drawing # I' ve done it] . %com: laughs *R00: ah oui . %mor: co:act|ah adv:yn|oui . *R26: [^ eng: it' s the spitting image] . *R00: c' est bien ok alors maintenant c' est toi qui vas dessiner # oui # et c' est toi qui vas # faire la description ok allez y tu vas choisir . %mor: pro|ce/ces&SING v:exist|être&PRES&3SV adv|bien co|ok adv|alors adv|maintenant pro|ce/ces&SING v:exist|être&PRES&3SV pro|toi pro:rel|qui v:mdl|aller&PRES&2SV v:inf|dessiner adv:yn|oui conj|et pro|ce/ces&SING v:exist|être&PRES&3SV pro|toi pro:rel|qui v:mdl|aller&PRES&2SV v:mdllex|faire&INF det|la&FEM&SING n|description&_FEM co|ok v:mdl|aller&IMP&2PV pro:y|y pro:subj|tu&2S v:mdl|aller&PRES&2SV v:inf|choisir . *R26: [^ eng: right] # tu oh . %mor: pro:subj|tu&2S co:act|oh . *R00: Chris tu peux poser les questions si tu veux . %mor: n:prop|Chris pro:subj|tu&2S v:mdl|pouvoir&PRES&2SV v:inf|poser det|les&PL n|question&_FEM-_PL conj|si pro:subj|tu&2S v:mdllex|vouloir&PRES&2SV . *R23: [^ eng: alright] . *R26: um un garç(on) # petite et [^ eng: thin is that mint or something] +/. %mor: co|um det|un&MASC&SING n|garçon&_MASC n|petite&FEM conj|et +/. *R00: mince . %mor: co|mince . *R26: +, mince@g [^ eng: yeah] # et . %mor: imit|mince conj|et . *R23: c' est le garçon # or@s:con le +/. %mor: pro|ce/ces&SING v:exist|être&PRES&3SV det|le&MASC&SING n|garçon&_MASC co:eng|or det|le&MASC&SING +/. *R26: [^ eng: yeah] garçon . %mor: n|garçon&_MASC . *R23: +, fille ? %mor: n|fille&_FEM ? *R26: garçon # xx Christopher um # . %mor: n|garçon&_MASC undef|xx n:prop|Christopher co|um . *R26: une Christopher est # court # um . %mor: det|une&FEM&SING n:prop|Christopher v:exist|être&PRES&3SV adj|court&MASC co|um . %com: laughs *R23: [/] c' est # mince ? %mor: pro|ce/ces&SING v:exist|être&PRES&3SV co|mince ? %com: laughs *R26: [^ eng: yeah it is] . *R23: une petite or@s:con grande ? %mor: det|une&FEM&SING n|petite&FEM co:eng|or n|grande&FEM ? *R26: [^ eng: is is] court [^ eng: is] court . %mor: v|courir&PRES&3SV n|court&_MASC . *R26: [^ eng: short hair # oh right] # court [^ eng: brown] court [^ eng: hair] . %mor: v|courir&PRES&3SV n|court&_MASC . *R23: [^ eng: is he fat] ? *R26: [^ eng: neat skinny] . *R23: [^ eng: skinny] . *R26: [^ eng: brown hair] . *R23: # c' est grande et petite [^ eng: or] . %mor: pro|ce/ces&SING v:exist|être&PRES&3SV adj|grande&FEM conj|et adj|petite&FEM . *R26: a petite # [^ eng: Chris look at the time] # et vert et . %mor: v:poss|avoir&PRES&3SV n|petite&FEM conj|et n|vert&MASC conj|et . %com: whispers *R23: [^ eng: oh wait] # le court . %mor: det|le&MASC&SING n|court&_MASC . *R26: court [^ eng: yeah] brun . %mor: v|courir&PRES&3SV n|brun&_MASC . *R23: # c' est le marron . %mor: pro|ce/ces&SING v:exist|être&PRES&3SV det|le&MASC&SING n|marron&_MASC . *R26: [^ eng: brown] . %com: whispers *R23: marron . %mor: adj|marron . *R26: marron . %mor: adj|marron . *R23: # marron . %mor: adj|marron . %com: laughing *R26: sshh@n [^ eng: recording] # et [?] vert # et [?] vert # vert # et . %mor: neo|sshh conj|et adj|vert&MASC conj|et adj|vert&MASC adj|vert&MASC conj|et . %com: whispers *R23: le cacouche@n . %mor: det|le&MASC&SING neo|cacouche . %com: laughs *R26: le cacouche@n # est vert et # xxx # blue@s:a . %mor: det|le&MASC&SING neo|cacouche v:exist|être&PRES&3SV adj|vert&MASC conj|et undef|xxx adj:eng|blue . %com: laughs whispers *R23: bleu . %mor: adj|bleu&_MASC . *R26: a bleu vert . %mor: v:poss|avoir&PRES&3SV adj|bleu&_MASC n|vert&MASC . %com: laughs *R23: [^ eng: blue eyes] ? %com: laughs *R26: [^ eng: no blue lips # blue lips] . %com: whispers laughs *R23: bleu # oh . %mor: n|bleu&_MASC co:act|oh . %com: laughs *R00: ça va ? %mor: pro:dem|ça v:mdllex|aller&PRES&3SV ? *R23: c' est bleu lips@s:d ? %mor: pro|ce/ces&SING v:exist|être&PRES&3SV adj|bleu&_MASC n:eng|lips ? %com: laughing *R26: [^ eng: eyes] . %com: laughs *R00: les yeux les yeux . %mor: det|les&PL n|oeil&_MASC&PL det|les&PL n|oeil&_MASC&PL . *R23: oh . %mor: co:act|oh . *R26: les yeux # . %mor: det|les&PL n|oeil&_MASC&PL . *R00: une minute et puis finissez oui ok ? %mor: det|une&FEM&SING n|minute&_FEM conj|et adv|puis v:pp|finir adv:yn|oui co|ok ? *R26: [^ eng: how do you say t shirt] ? *R00: le t_shirt . %mor: det|le&MASC&SING n|t_shirt&_MASC&_SING . *R26: [^ eng: right] # euh le@g t_shirt@g # est black@s:a . %mor: co|euh imit|le imit|t_shirt v:exist|être&PRES&3SV adj:eng|black . %com: laughs *R23: [^ eng: oh they know who they are oh i' ve got to know # they' re saying i' m Inspector Higg] . *R26: [^ eng: how long will it be] ? *R23: [^ eng: oh I hope I' m Freddie # oh god] . *R26: [^ eng: hope I' m Freddie] . %com: laughs *R23: [^ eng: black t_shirt] . *R26: [^ eng: say] fini [/] fini . %mor: v:pp|finir . *R23: [^ eng: nearly] . *R26: fini . %mor: v:pp|finir . *R23: [^ eng: I haven' t] # . *R26: [^ eng: say] fini [/] # fini . %mor: v:pp|finir . %com: whispers *R23: [^ eng: no we haven' t] . *R00: oh mais ça va vous pouvez finir si vous voulez . %mor: co:act|oh conj|mais pro:dem|ça v:mdllex|aller&PRES&3SV pro:subj|vous&2P v:mdl|pouvoir&PRES&2PV v:inf|finir conj|si pro:refl|vous&2P v:mdllex|vouloir&PRES&2PV . *R26: [^ eng: does this come apart] ? *R00: [^ eng: you can finish now if you like # it' s your break time isn' t it it' s ok] . *R26: [^ eng: are we coming back next week] ? *R00: um [^ eng: no that' s it it' s just] . %mor: co|um . *R23: c' est le # +... %mor: pro|ce/ces&SING v:exist|être&PRES&3SV det|le&MASC&SING +... *R26: [^ eng: show me your picture] . *R23: xx . %mor: undef|xx . @End