@UTF8 @Begin @Languages: fr @Participants: D23 Subject, D00 Partner, R00 Investigator @ID: fr|flloc|D23||male|School-1-707||Subject|| @ID: fr|flloc|D00|||||Partner|| @ID: fr|flloc|R00|||||Investigator|| @Date: 01-MAR-1994 @Coder: LON converter AWH *R00: ok # task@s:d numéro un avec # . *D00: Dean . *D23: et Chris . *R00: ok c' est très bien # bon allez y . *D23: comment t' appelles tu # comment t' appelles tu? *D00: [^ eng: don' t ask me Chris # you' ve done that wrong] . *D23: [^ eng: no I didn' t] . %com: tape off back on *D23: comment t' appelles tu? *D00: je m' appelle Dean . *D23: # comment t' appelles tu? %com: whispers *D00: il # il . *D23: comment t' appelles tu? %com: talks over *D00: il onze ans [^ eng: what' s] . %com: whispers rest indistinct *D23: quel âge as tu? %com: talks over *D00: # elle est . *D23: j' ai onze ans . %com: whispers *D00: j' ai onze ans . *D23: quelle est le date de mon anniversaire? *D00: euh # <à le # à le > [/] # à le une vingt+neuf . *D23: [^ eng: what] ? *D00: vingt+neuf # mars vingt+neuf mars . *D23: [^ eng: twenty ninth of May] ? *D00: # mars . *D23: [^ eng: March] ? *D00: # &=whisper . *D23: # [^ eng: just leave it] où habites tu? *D00: euh # j' ai habite # Plympton . *D23: j' habite à Plympton . *D00: j' habite à Plympton . *D23: euh # um # tu as un animal à la maison? *D00: oui j' ai une # no # j' ai une chat # j' ai # cinq # chiens . *D23: # cinq [^ eng: what] ? *D00: chiens # chiens . *D23: [^ eng: what' s that # mouse] ? %com: whispers *D00: [^ eng: dog] . %com: whispers *D23: chiens . *D00: chiens . *D23: [^ eng: five dogs] ? %com: laughs *D00: [^ eng: yeah] # j' ai # j' ai quatre poissons # j' ai # une # . %com: whispers louder *D23: [^ eng: you' re making this up aren' t you] ? *D00: [^ eng: I ain' t that' s all what I' ve got and that' s it] . *D23: [^ eng: right] # um # . *D00: [^ eng: any other information] ? %com: whispers *D23: [^ eng: any other information] ? %com: laughs indistinct comment tape off back on *R00: laissez tourner ok? *D23: [^ eng: oh we' re not allowed to stop it] ? *R00: oui c' est ça # ça continue ça roule ça roule ça roule . *D23: ah # quel âge as tu [^ eng: no # I' ve done that] . *D00: [^ eng: any other information] ? %com: whispers *D23: [^ eng: yeah I know I' ve got to think of how you say # something] # cheveux # um [^ eng: I' m trying to think how you say # what is your hair colour] . *R00: non mais ça va ça va euh # tu as les cheveux de quelle couleur? *D23: [^ eng: oh yeah] elle cheveux le # quelle couleur? *R00: c' est bien . *D00: il [/] # il les cheveux # brown@s:a # bruns [^ eng: no] # noirs # noirs . *D23: mmm [^ eng: that' s your dog Dean # it' s your dog Dean] . %com: noise of barking outside *D00: [^ eng: not got a poodle] . *D23: mmm [^ eng: lucky it was turned off and I' ve just turned it on] um # # um # tu as une frère ou des soeurs? *D00: oui une [/] # une frère # une soeur . *D23: # [^ eng: one bro one sis] . *D00: # [^ eng: fat or tall] . %com: whispers beginning indistinct *D23: elle a@n la grosse? *D00: oui elle est grosse [^ eng: no] . *D23: # um . %com: laughs *D00: [^ eng: no no no skinny] . %com: whispers *D23: [^ eng: alright alright] . *D00: [^ eng: no that' ll do don' t worry] # . %com: whispers indistinct word *D23: um # . *D00: [^ eng: tall tall] . %com: whispers *D23: [^ eng: yeah] # elle est a la brosse [^ eng: have you got spiky hair] ? %com: whispers *D00: non [^ eng: that' ll do] . %com: whispers tape off back on *R00: ok ça va? *D23: [^ eng: yeah] . %com: tape off back on *D00: comment t' appelles tu? *D23: je m' appelle Chris [^ eng: I' ve just given you] . *R00: ça va ça va ça va # Chris [^ eng: he doesn' t have to say the whole thing ok] ? %com: interrupts *D00: quel âge as tu? *D23: j' ai douze ans # quelle est la date de mon anniversaire euh # le onze octobre # [^ eng: that' ll do that' ll d] o # où habites tu? %com: whispers *D00: où habites tu? *D23: j' habite à Bampton # as tu un animal à la maison? %com: whispers *D00: a les animal à la maison? *D23: oui # j' ai quatre poissons # j' ai cinq [^ eng: do(gs)] chiens # j' ai un une chat # j' ai dix tortues . %com: laughing *D00: [^ eng: you' re making this up] . *D23: [^ eng: no] j' ai quatre tortues elle est à la [^ eng: joke] . %com: giggles *D00: [^ eng: what # what then] ? %com: tape off back on *D23: [^ eng: hair colour] ? *D00: [^ eng: how do you say it] ? %com: whispers *D23: um # elle a les cheveux de quelle couleur? %com: softly *D00: elle est les cheveux de quelle couleur # elle est les cheveux de quelle couleur? *D23: [^ eng: hang on # I' m just going to take the microphone out # right done # no I can hold it you can hold it when it' s my tur(n) your go] . *D00: [^ eng: yeah but my go' s gone # go on] . *D23: [^ eng: go on ask me some more] . *D00: [^ eng: oh yeah] # elle est les cheveux de quelle colour@s:d # elle est les cheveux de quelle [^ eng: colour] ? *D23: # elle est les cheveux marron . *D00: # [^ eng: what' s that] ? %com: whispers *D23: [^ eng: brown] . %com: whispers *D00: # elle est une soeur ou une frère? *D23: oui j' ai deux frères j' ai une soeur # [^ eng: two brothers one sister] . %com: mike noise *D23: [^ eng: that' ll do] # euh # . %com: softly louder mike noise *D23: [^ eng: sorry I just dropped it um # that' ll do] ? %com: mike noise *D00: elle est grosse [^ eng: say yes] . %com: whispers *D23: non # . %com: mike noise *D00: elle est brosse? *D23: non . @End